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Led by Drs. Lanzi, Mugavero, and Hearld, the Implementation Science Hub, supported by CFAR supplements, assists investigators nationwide receiving NIH Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE) funding. Services include coaching, consultations, virtual seminars on implementation science, and networking. Most services are extended to external investigators outside UAB.


Coaching: Develops project development plans with each supplement/project PI.
Consultation: Guides application of the IS logic model and identifies appropriate outcome measures for each project.
Dissemination: Offers guidance on scholarly products aligned with the project development plan and considerations for subsequent grant applications.
Collaboration: Achieved with ISC3I and other IS hubs through the evaluation working group, training seminars, and workshops.
Conducting: Leads cross-hub multisite pilot implementation research project to inform the field of HIV IS best practices towards achieving EHE targets.

EHE Projects

  • 2021 Projects
    Institution  Project Name
    Einstein-Rockefeller-CUNY CFAR   Testing Two Service Models of PrEP Delivery in OBGYN Clinics
    Einstein-Rockefeller-CUNY CFAR Directly-observed-therapy Enhanced Peer-support to Promote Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy among Criminal Justice-Involved Individuals: The DEPART-CJI study
    Einstein-Rockefeller-CUNY CFAR Low-threshold, Community-based Strategies to Scale-up PrEP for Latino MSM
    UCSF-Gladstone CFAR  Developing a Status Neutral, Mobile Health Clinic Model in Alameda County
    UPenn CFAR   Team Implementation Research: Evaluation and Optimization of the Philadelphia MCM Model
    U of Miami DARC/CHARM   Tools to Visualize and Summarize HIV Resources, Disease Burden and EHE Interventions in Miami-Dade County
    U of Miami DARC/CHARM   The Juntos Referral Network: Planning an Implementation Strategy to Enhance the Reach of HIV Prevention and Treatment Services to Latino MSM and Address Intersectional Insecurities
    Miami CFAR PrEP-GAT: Development of a Social Network Intervention to Promote PrEP Bundled with Gender Affirming Therapy in Black and Latina Transgender Women in South Florida
    Tennessee CFAR Multi-Method to Inform the Implementation of Trauma-Informed Care for Youth Living with HIV in Memphis, TN
    Tennessee CFAR Barriers and Facilitators to HIV Testing and Prevention Services Among Black Young Adults Attending LeMoyne-Owen College - A Historically Black College in Memphis Tennessee
    UCLA CHIPTS ARC Implementation of an Emergency Department HIV/SUD Screening and Treatment Referral mHealth Tool for Latino Patients
    UCLA CHIPTS ARC Developing Implementation Strategies to Optimize PrEP Delivery to Immigrant Latino MSM in Los Angeles County
    Harvard CFAR Improving Routine Opt-out HIV Screening in the Emergency Department in Miami, Florida
    DC CFAR Implementing Brain Health Assessment into the HIV Care Continuum in Washington, DC
    DC CFAR Addressing Intersectional and Social-Structural Barriers to Ending the HIV Epidemic in Black Sexual Minority Men and Black Heterosexual Women
    DC CFAR An Intersectionality-based Policy Analysis of Social Determinants of HIV in Puerto Rico
    SD CFAR Implementing Integrated Delivery of Injectable Antiretroviral Treatment and Injectable Medication-Assisted Treatment for People with HIV and Comorbid Substance Use Disorders (iART+iMAT)
    SD CFAR Addressing Interrelated Substance Use and HIV Prevention Needs among Reservation-based American Indians using an Intersectionality Approach
    SD CFAR LEAPS: Leveraging resources to EHE Among People of Color in San Diego
    HIV Center for Clinical and Behavioral Studies (ARC) Designing Differentiated PrEP Service Delivery Models for Implementation in New York City Emergency Departments through a Community Collaborative
    HIV Center for Clinical and Behavioral Studies (ARC) Ending the HIV Epidemic through stigma-reduction: Applying “Getting-To-Outcomes’ in a Ryan White Healthcare Site
    UCSF CAPS ARC Improving HIV Prevention and Care for Transgender Latinas in Oakland, CA
    UCSF CAPS ARC Addressing Facilitators and Barriers to PrEP Initiation among Heterosexual Black Women in the South
    UNC CFAR Developing Strategies to Improve Engagement in HIV Services among People Who Use Drugs in the Charlotte Transitional Grant Area
    UNC CFAR Enhancing Strategies to Engage Providers in Efforts to Eliminate HIV: Project EnSTEP
    Duke CFAR Preparing for Implementation of Strategies to Promote Uptake of Long-Acting Injectable PrEP among Black Same Gender Loving Men at Historically Black Colleges and Universities
    JHU CFAR Improving HIV Outcomes among People Experiencing Housing Instability and Other SDOH
    JHU CFAR Trauma-Informed HIV Prevention for Black Women in Baltimore
    Emory CFAR Bringing the Clinic to the Community: A Pilot Feasibility Study of Two Community-based HIV Care Models Designed to Engage and Retain Out-of-care People with HIV
    UW-Fred Hutch CFAR Integrating Social and HIV Services to Enhance HIV Prevention
    UAB CFAR Implementation of HIV Testing and Linkage to PrEP at an HBCU in Alabama
    Third Coast CFAR Identifying Critical Components of Linkage and Retention Strategies for HIV Care
    Third Coast CFAR FAHST-ITAP: Food and Housing Support to Improve HIV Treatment and Prevention
    Third Coast CFAR A Pilot Intervention to Increase PrEP Awareness and Uptake among Latinx MSM and Transgender Women
    Yale CIRA (ARC) St. Louis Enhancing Engagement and Retention in HIV/AIDS Care (STEER)
    Texas D-CFAR Using Project ECHO for the Implementation of Rapid Antiretroviral Therapy Across Five Ryan White Part A Clinics in Houston/Harris County
  • 2022 Projects
    Project Name
    UPenn CFAR System -level intervention to optimize HIV testing & PrEP delivery among young sexual and gender minorities in Philadelphia
    U of Miami DARC/CHARM Five Point Initiative-Reaching Miami’s Black Communities to End the HIV Epidemic
    Miami CFAR Adaptation of the Mobile PrEP Implementation Strategy for Equitable Scale-Out (AMP-IT-OUT)
    UAB CFAR PrOTEC: PrEP Optimization through Enhanced Continuum Tracking
    UAB CFAR Mobile testing to increase HIV-testing uptake in rural Alabama: a pilot implementation project (MOBILISE) 
    UCSF CAPS Connecting Resources for Rural and Urban Sexual Health: CRRUSH-Sacramento
    UCSF CAPS Texas PrEP Implementation Study (TPIS)
    Havard CFAR Clinical Decision Support for PrEP 
    PMHARC CFAR Adapting and expanding a high-impact social media-delivered sexual health promotion intervention (Project iMMPACS) to African American youth in Philadelphia County
    Einstein CFAR Patient-Focused PrEP Management to Increase Coverage for Highest Priority Patients in Primary Care in a High Prevalence Jurisdiction
    Prov/Boston CFAR Integrating Community Health Workers as part of the HIV Care team in rural and urban settings to improve viral suppression in Shelby County TN
    HIV Center for Clinical and Behavioral Studies Evaluating Implementation Strategies of Behavioral Health Integration into HIV Prevention and Care including Telehealth
  • 2023 Projects
    Institution Project Title
    Harvard CFAR Engaging Structurally Disadvantaged MSM Who Use Stimulants in HIV Prevention Services
    Miami CFAR DIGI PrEP: Promoting PrEP bundled with gender affirming therapy for Black and Latina Transgender Women in South Florida.
    CHIPTS ARC Addressing intimate partner violence, mental health burdens, and other syndemic factors to support engagement in HIV prevention services in a trans community center.
    Rustbelt CFAR Using Narrative Medicine to decrease medical mistrust among BMSM and TGW seeking PrEP
    DC CFAR Adapting and piloting a group intervention to address intersectional stigmas, and support shared resiliency and HIV wellness, among Black sexual minority men in Washington DC
    UCLA-CDU CFAR Stakeholder Engagement for Enhanced Implementation and Dissemination of Rise, an Evidence-Based Culturally Congruent Adherence Intervention for Black Americans
    CHARM ARC Nou La (We’re Here): Biomedical Prevention for People of Haitian Descent

Seminars and Trainings

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Laken Grissom

Acknowledge the Center

Support the UAB Center for AIDS Research by acknowledging services in publications, abstracts, and grants. Cite us: This research was supported by the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) Center For AIDS Research CFAR, an NIH funded program (P30 AI027767) that was made possible by the following institutes: NIAID, NCI, NICHD, NHLBI, NIDA, NIMH, NIA, NIDDK, NIGMS, NIMHD, FIC, NIDCR, and OAR.