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Thank you for your interest in the UAB Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine Residency Program at the University of Alabama at Birmingham.

Our residency class will include 21 residents in each of the four years training. All residency positions are categorical positions.

We invite applicants to fill 200 interview opportunities. Applicants are chosen for invitation for an interview based on review of their ERAS application. Multiple factors including test scores, medical school success, and additional activities are considered. Applicants will be contacted to schedule a convenient time to interview during the months of November through February.

After the interview is scheduled, applicants will be contacted by the Residency Office closer to the date of the interview to confirm details of the process. In addition, the Residency Committee is a group of residents interested in assisting in resident recruitment, will contact each applicant to help facilitate a successful interview day for each person.

To our 2024-2025 applicants: 

This year, we will continue to use the Residency Central Application as a supplement to ERAS. The CentralApp was started as a free alternative to ERAS in plastic surgery four years ago, and it is now used specialty-wide. We are continuing to trial this platform in anesthesiology with the hopes that, in future years, we can remove the financial barriers created by progressive application fee structures. As you will see from the questions, CentralApp also promotes holistic application review by focusing on quality application content rather than quantity.

Upon accessing the platform, you will be instructed to create a secure account and able to request letters of recommendation, transcripts, and MSPE (dean's letters) directly through the portal. The Match will remain with the NRMP. Please direct any questions about the application to HELP@accessgme.com.

Should you have additional questions about our program, please contact our residency office at (205) 934-6525 or Residency Program Director Tekuila Carter, M.D., M.Ed., at tcarter@uabmc.edu.