Explore UAB

Employee Assistance & Counseling Center

Domestic violence impacts millions of people each year, but it can be prevented. It requires the collective voice and power of individuals, families, institutions and systems — all of which are a valuable and powerful component to transforming our communities. During Domestic Violence Awareness Month in October, the UAB Employee Assistance & Counseling Center encourages the UAB community to come together to mourn the lives lost to domestic violence and celebrate the progress that has been made to end this epidemic.

Explore ways to get involved, as well as community and digital resources for domestic violence, below. And learn more about what domestic violence looks like and its effects in the EACC's Mindful Living Newsletter: Understanding Domestic Violence.

October 17

Go Purple on Purple Thursday
October 17

Join with people across the country by dressing in purple on Purple Thursday, the national day of action for Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Snap a picture of yourself or department dressed in purple shirts, scarves, ties, etc. then submit it online or post to social media and tag UAB HR on Facebook or the EACC on Instagram.

October 31

Domestic Violence 101 Webinar
October 31

Join EACC Counselors Karen Coats, LPC, and Kourtney Young, LPC, for a discussion on the basics of domestic violence. Learn about the cycle of abuse, types of domestic and interpersonal violence, and how to implement a safety plan, in this Domestic Violence Awareness Month virtual presentation.

When & Where: Thursday, October 31, 10-11 a.m., via Zoom
Click here to register.

Domestic Violence Resources

Select a topic below to learn more.