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Education Abroad offers 87 programs in 38 countries that cost less than UAB.

One of our biggest priorities in Education Abroad is to make sure every student can study abroad. That's why we offer multiple programs all over the world that cost the same or less than studying on campus. You can afford to study abroad, but you can't afford to miss this opportunity.

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  • What is the real cost of study abroad?

    The real cost of study abroad is the difference between living abroad and the normal cost of studying at UAB and living in Birmingham. These costs include tuition, housing/rent, school materials, transportation, and travel logistics. According to UAB Financial Aid, the cost of attendance for a semester is approximately $13,300 for an undergraduate resident and $19,200 for an undergraduate non-resident. In order for us to classify a study abroad program as low cost, it must cost the same or less than the highest rate of tuition plus an anticipated $1,500 flight.

    We offer 87 programs with a real cost that is less than the price of a plane ticket. Choose from programs in 40+ countries to study abroad where the costs are similar to living in Birmingham.

  • Can I use scholarships and financial aid to study abroad?

    Yes, financial aid may apply to your time abroad. In fact, we offer more than $60,000 in scholarship. We offer more than $50,000 in scholarship funds to help you study abroad. Most scholarships range from $1,000 - $3,000 and help cover the cost of plane tickets, living expenses and fees. On many programs, you can also apply your financial aid to help reduce the financial burden.

    Learn more about how to fund your study abroad experience

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