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We offer high-end workstations computers (Analysis PC 1 ,2, and 3) for image processing and analysis. Our workstation computers allow for image analysis without hindering access to computers operating microscopy equipment.

Analysis PC1:

  • Nikon NIS-Elements wish deconvolution and SIM reconstruction modules is optimized for advanced research applications, Nikon’s flagship software package features fully automated image acquisition, advanced device control and powerful analysis and visualization tools. From Single to Multi-Dimensional imaging. Intuitive display of multi-dimensional datasets with multiple viewing options (e.g. slice, 3D volume, time, spectral, binary, etc.), easy data management, and export ready. From simple manual measurements to automatic data collection of hundreds of parameters. Full suite of binary and image processing tools in General Analysis (GA) Multi-channel binary software assay toolbox, 2D and 3D Tracking and Measurement, Realtime analysis of live cell dynamics during acquisition, Intensity Based Measurements, Morphological Based Measurements, Object Tracking, 3D Volume Measurements and counting. Easily view tiled/stitched large images, Unique Extended Depth of Focus (EDF) view for creating beautiful, high-contrast, in-focus 2D projection images from 3D data, Advanced 3D and 2D deconvolution algorithms for extending resolution, Unique visualization options such as XYT view.
  • Agilent BioTek Gen5 Imaging & analysis software offers advanced processing, and analysis for a broad range of images generated on LinheartFX and other Agilent-BioTek equipment.


Analysis PC2:

  • Bitplane Imaris 10.1 with Machine Learning. A state-of-the-art software package designed specifically for quantitative analysis of fluorescence microscopy data. Each image taken on a microscope has a huge array of quantitative information – protein locations, organelle morphology, Imaris is the leading visualization and analysis software for widefield, confocal, light sheet, two-photon, electron microscopy, CLEM, OPT and other imaging modalities. Imaris for Core Facilities provides smart detection and visualization of complex objects, tracing of neurons, blood vessels and other filamentous structures, 3D tracking (including cell division detection), interactive plotting and batch analysis. Additionally, Imaris can handle extremely large (terabytes) data files.


Analysis PC3:

  • Zeiss Arivis Pro is modular image analysis software when working with multi-channel 2D, 3D, and 4D images of virtually unlimited size. This software can process large data sets of more than a Terabyte in size. Highly scalable computing, not dependent on local system resources. Processing and quantifying any kind of multidimensional image data. Combining different operators for complex analysis. Denoising, AI-driven segmentation, filtering, thresholding and more.
  • Zeiss Zen BlueZEN is the universal user interface you will see on every imaging system from ZEISS. For simple and routine works, ZEN leads you straight to result. For complex research experiments, ZEN offers the flexibility to design multi-dimensional workflows the way you wanted. No matter what microscopy task you have, you will find intuitive tools and modules to assist you:Acquire images using smart automation, Process images with scientifically proven algorithms, visualize big data by GPU powered 3D engine, Analyze images via Machine Learning-based tools, Quantitative Processing. More than 180 image processing tools help you transform and manage your data. ZEN will read the metadata of the input image, then display only the logical processing steps, and optimize the default parameters automatically. You can even process images from other platforms using third-party import tools. With a dedicated workspace, you can also batch process multiple images with ease for quantitative and unbiased results. Quickly generate a huge 2D tile scan with multi-channels at high magnification, and smoothly zoom in and out with a simple mouse scroll.
  • Nikon NIS-Elements with denoise function.