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New User Form

If you (or a member of your lab) would like to gain access to the High Resolution Imaging Facilities, please fill out and submit the request form below.
You must be trained by a member of the HRIF Staff prior to unassisted use on any of the microscopes.
After submitting your New User Form, please fill out the HRIF Policies and Procedures Form.

New User (clicking this link will redirect to submission page)


HRIF Policies and Procedures

Please fill out the HRIF Policies and Procedures Form below to show you have read and agree to follow the HRIF policies and procedures available for download here: HRIF Policies. Please retain a copy for your records. 

HRIF Policies and Procedures (clicking this link will redirect to submission page)


Fluorescence Microscope Training Request

If you (or a member of your lab) would like to be trained on the Fluorescence Microscopes, please fill out and submit the request form below.

Fluorescence Microscope Training Request (clicking this link will redirect to submission page)


TEM New Project Request

If you would like to request a new TEM project, please fill out the request form below with details of your project. After receiving the form, (if you have not already met with us) we will contact you for an appointment to discuss your project in depth. Please make an appointment prior to submitting any samples.

TEM New Project Request (clicking this link will redirect to submission page)


mIRage-LS User Form

mIRage-LS user form (clicking this link will redirect to submission page)



Please see link below to access the FBS website. You will need a username and password.
This site is for trained and approved users to schedule time for independent use on the microscopes.
Note: TEM Users cannot schedule time on the TEM using FBS website. Please contact Melissa Chimento to reserve time on the TEM.

FBS Link (clicking this link will open FBS website)