CCTS commanded attention at the Hub’s latest Core and Shared Resources Day, held at the UAB Hospital West Pavilion Atrium on Wednesday, March 21. CCTS presented 17 posters out of 82 to over 220 visitors showcasing a wide array of our research resources, including specialized expertise and state-of-the-art technology from CCTS Partner Network institutions. Innovative new collaboration and training opportunities, such as the Informatics Gateway and the Kaizen gamification platform, were featured in addition to our most popular supports such as CCTS Drop-in Clinics, clinical research facilities & expertise and regulatory support.
Congratulations to all of our CCTS staff and experts who participated on their outstanding poster presentations! We extend a special thank you to our CCTS Partner Network colleagues who joined us from out of town to participate, including Auburn Site Lead Thomas Denney Jr., PhD, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Donnellan & Family Endowed Professor, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Director, Auburn University MRI Research Center; Chindo Hicks, PhD, Professor, Department of Genetics, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center; Jason White, Core Lab Manager, RCMI Center for Biomedical Research, Tuskegee University; and Kim Littlefield, PhD, Assistant VP, Research Communication, Development and Learning, University of South Alabama.