Explore UAB

Clinical Research
  • Does your human subjects research qualify as a clinical trial according to NIH, subject to the same reporting requirements in ClinicalTrials.gov?
  • Is it time to report your clinical trial's progress to a funding organization?
  • Is your trial being audited by FDA or IRB?

Expert Guidance

Our CRSP regulatory team can help you decipher and successfully meet your study's reporting obligations, whether for NIH ClinicalTrials.gov, in response to an FDA audit, or as part of an internal IRB review. 


To register for a CRSP service, please complete the CBR-CCTS-OCS Submission Form.

Don't see what you need? Have an urgent request? Contact us at ccts@uab.edu or 205-934-7442.


Fee Sheet


Meredith Fitz-Gerald, MSN, RN
Director, Clinical Research Support Program