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2024-2025 Student Staff Selection Timeline

For questions about the selection process please e-mail raselection@uab.edu

October 23 - Applications open on Engage *Applicants will be invited to join the SHRL Student Staff Selection Engage page after attending a required Interest Session*
January 11 All (returning & new applicants) Applications Due via Engage by 11:59 pm
January 22 - 26 Interviews for Returning Applicants
January 29 - 31 Interview Workshops Available for New Applicants
February 5 - 16 Interviews for New Applicants
February 16 Assessment sent to candidates
March 8 by 5 pm Selection emails sent out
March 20 Be a Better Candidate
April 7, 1-6 pm Super Sunday


Interested in being an RA? Attend one of our interest meetings!

All applicants must attend ONE interest session in order to access the application.

Fall RA Interest Meetings
Date Time Location
Monday, October 14 3:00 PM Lower RLC, Blazer Hall
Wednesday, October 16 7:00 PM Zoom
Friday, October 18 2:00 PM Zoom
Wednesday, October 23 9:00 AM Lower RLC, Blazer Hall
Thursday, October 24 4:00 PM Zoom
Monday, October 28 7:00 PM Zoom
Wednesday, October 30 9:00 AM Lower RLC, Blazer Hall
Friday, Novemeber 1 11:00 AM Lower RLC, Blazer Hall
Tuesday, Novemeber 5 7:00 PM Zoom
Thursday, November 7 9:00 AM Lower RLC, Blazer Hall