Explore UAB

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Many graduate students pursue non-academic jobs for various reasons. Some choose to pursue academic and non-academic employment simultaneously, while others decide to focus exclusively on non-academic industries. If you are considering a non-academic job search after your PhD or Masters, here are a few things to consider:

Take an assessment of your skills and interests:

(Masters options): Focus2, TypeFocus.

(Ph.D. options): MyIDP and VersatilePhdare assessment tools that can help you find industries that fit your skills, strengths, and interests (You can access the Master’s resources through Handshake and the Ph.D. resources through the OPE careers page). Be empowered to make an individual appointment with the Career Center to talk about how to assess your skills and strengths and find jobs that work for you.

Explore PhD non-academic career options:

Use online resources such as PhD Career Guide - Career Information for PhDs to explore different industries and browse opportunities.

Prepare for your search:

Convert your CV to a resume, and review information on cover letters and interviewing for business and industry. Create and leverage your LinkedIn account for maximum impact. The advisors at UAB Career Center are well-versed in these topics, and you can make an appointment with us at any time.

How can the uab career center help you?

Make an appointment with a career advisor to talk about your career options and how to successfully market yourself to different industries. An advisor can help you target the right industries and translate your academic experiences into skills and accomplishments that are attractive to companies.

If you are a postdoc, please contact Britney Blackstock, at 205-934-6809 or brfields@uab.edu