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What is the UAB Career Influencer Network?

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The Career Influencers Network provides the opportunity to learn how to best support students in becoming career ready and achieving post-graduate success in today’s quickly evolving world of work. The UAB Career Center is focused on empowering and equipping campus partners with the tools they need to assist students with transitioning from college to career.

  • Open to all faculty, staff, and administrators
  • Three 60-90-minute sessions required
  • Receive a certificate of completion and the career readiness toolkit, which provides activities, rubrics, and templates to facilitate connections between students’ academic experiences and their career goals

What can we expect to learn in each 90-minute session?

The three initial workshops we will be offering this summer include:

  • UAB Career Center Services and Resources
    • Description: This workshop will provide participants with an overview of the services and resources available through the UAB Career Center. Participants will identify resources and services to utilize at various points throughout the UAB student experience to maximize support of their career development journey.
    • Duration: 1 hour
  • Student Career Success Factors
    • Description: This workshop will assist participants in identifying and exploring student career success factors. Participants will identify current and future opportunities to integrate and highlight these student career success factors into their work with students.
    • Duration: 1 hour
  • Student Career Planning and Career Launch
    • Description: This workshop will provide participants with tools, techniques, and best practices to support successful student career planning and career launch. During this workshop, participants will explore the development of student 4-year career plans, identify opportunities to maximize resource utilization, and role-play student career conversations.
    • Duration: 1 hour

To view and register for the Career Influencer Network Series visit the UAB Center for Teaching and Learning Upcoming Workshop Series.

For more information about this series contact careerservices@uab.edu.

UAB Career Influencer Network Completers

Frequently Asked Questions