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According to the National College Health Assessment Survey and the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, drinking and driving among college students has drastically dropped since the 1980s, however it continues to be an important conversation to have with all students.

Though nearly 90% of students reported nationally to not drinking and driving after consuming alcohol, UAB’s goals is to have all Blazers demonstrate safer behaviors if they choose to drink.


Student Behaviors

Here are responses students have given to why they may have chosen to drink and drive:

Talking Tips

Surprised by any of these responses? Here are some suggested tips from other UAB families to use when talking to your student about drinking and driving:

It is helpful to explain consequences in years and dollars:

A DUI conviction remains on record for at least five (5) years and the average cost is around $10,000 in Alabama. An Uber ride home from a party or bar is way more cost-effective!

Explain other consequences such as losing their license. Other possible consequences include removing your student from the family car insurance policy or having them pay their own insurance (which will increase after a DUI), taking their car away, or having them pay for their own car.

A preventive practice could be allowing your student to access your Uber or Lyft app. It is important to reinforce healthy decision making and not be harsh with your student when they utilize your rideshare account! If your student feels judged for choosing a safe ride after drinking, they may not make that same choice in the future.