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Dupont, Robert, John Coleman, Richard Bucher and Bonnie Wilford. “Characteristics and Motives of College Students Who Engage in Nonmedical Use of Methylphenidate.” American Journal on Addictions 17, no. 3 (2008): 167-171.

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Medical Amnesty Policy. Accessed May 06, 2019. https://www.uab.edu/policies/content/Pages/UAB-UC-POL-0000768.aspx.

Residence Life Handbook. Accessed May 06, 2019. https://www.uab.edu/students/housing/images/DOCUMENTS/Residence_Booklet_2018_UPDATED.pdf

Student Conduct Code. Accessed May 06, 2019. https://www.uab.edu/policies/content/Pages/UAB-UC-POL-0000781.aspx.

Turrisi, Rob, Kimberly A. Mallett, Michael J. Cleveland, Lindsey Varvil- Weld, Caitlin Abar and Nicole Scaglione. “Evaluation of Timing and Dosage of a Parent-Based Intervention to Minimize College Students’ Alcohol Consumption.” Journal of Studies On Alcohol And Drugs 74, no. 1 (2013): 30-40.

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Wilens, Timothy, MD, Courtney Zulauf, MaryKate Martelon, Nicholas R. Morrison, Amy Yule, M.D, and Rayce Anselmo, Psy.D. “Nonmedical Stimulant Use in College Students: Association With Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder and Other Disorders.” The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 77, no. 7 (2016): 940-947.

Wood, Mark, Anne M. Fairlie, Anne C. Fernandez, Brian Borsari, Christy Capone, Robert Laforge, and Rosa Carmona-Barros. “Brief Motivational and Parent Interventions for College Students: A randomized factorial study.” Journal of Consulting And Clinical Psychology 78, no. 3 (2010): 349-361.