Consent has been a hot topic for quite a while now, and it is good that people are talking about it! Consent is the difference between sex and rape. It is the bare minimum required for having sexual contact with someone. Thinking about consent only in terms of sexual behaviors can make it feel awkward to talk about.
When talking about consent, it helps to normalize that people ask for consent all the time on a daily basis. For example - Can I use your charger? Do you want me to hold the door open for you? Can I give you a hug? Can I have a tater tot? When talking about consent, it’s important to understand what it is, how to ask for and give consent, and when a person may not be able to give consent.
Consent is an active and ongoing mutual agreement to participate in romantic or sexual act(s). It can include verbal and non-verbal communication, and it should be clear if a person is consenting.
If it’s not clear, then there may not be consent.
An easy way to remember the specifics of consent is through the use of the acronym FRIES
FRIES: Freely given, Reversible,
Informed, Enthusiastic, Specific
Asking for consent does not need to be awkward. It is just checking in with one’s partner throughout intimacy to ensure you are both on the same page.