The Office of Public Health Practice is located in the Dean's Office Suite, Ryals Public Health Building (RPHB) Suite 537.

Lisa McCormick
DrPH, MPH Professor Senior Associate Dean for Academics and Public Health Practice (205) 934-7148 RPHB 330C Scholars Profile Opens an external link.
Jessica T. Chambliss
PhD, MPH Assistant Professor Assistant Dean, Public Health Practice Program Director, HPO MPH (205) 975-2342 RPHB 330JDr. Chambliss is the Assistant Dean of Public Health Practice, an Assistant Professor and Graduate Program Director in the Department of Health Policy and Organization. Dr. Chambliss brings years of health department experience, specifically program management and implementation, to her teaching of undergraduate and graduate-level courses in public health policy and organization. As a strong advocate for public health, Dr. Chambliss values the support of populations to acquire the knowledge they need to maintain healthy lives physically, mentally, and emotionally. Her research interests primarily lie in youth development and adolescent sexual health, specifically among adolescent males; however, her passion expands to all social and public health practices.
Scholars Profile Opens an external link.