Office of Student and Academic Services
From recruitment, to education, to graduation, we in the Office of Student and Academic Services strive to support students throughout their public health education journey. We work hard to provide an innovative and engaging experience that prepares students to become the next generation of leaders in public health. Whether you’re considering going back to school or applying for the first time, we’re here to help.
The Office of Student and Academic Services is located in the Dean's Office Suite, Ryals Public Health Building (RPHB) Suite 130.

office-of-academic-affairs, office-of-public-health-practice
Lisa McCormick
DrPH, MPH Professor Senior Associate Dean for Academics and Public Health Practice (205) 934-7148 RPHB 330C Scholars Profile Opens an external link.
Gregory Pavela
PhD Associate Professor Associate Dean, Academic Affairs Assistant Director, Survey Research Unit (205) 934-6032 RPHB 120AI Scholars Profile Opens an external link.
Angela Sullivan
PhD, MS Assistant Dean for Admissions and Enrollment Management Assistant Professor (205) 934-6538 RPHB 227L Scholars Profile Opens an external link.Learn more about the UAB School of Public Health Office of Academic Affairs

Kathryn Corvey
DrPH, MPH Assistant Professor Program Director, BS in Public Health (205) 975-8980 RPHB 120A Scholars Profile Opens an external link.
Haylie Driggers
Program Manager, Undergraduate Recruitment (205) 996-8874 RPHB 140R

Michelle Henry
MA Undergraduate Advisor Population Health & Coordinated Degree Programs (205) 934-4549 RPHB 120

Christopher Simma
Director of Online Education and Technology (205) 934-4961 RPHB 427