
UAB Low Vision Rehab program wins Envision top honor
The UAB School of Health Professions’ Graduate Certificate in Low Vision Rehabilitation program received the Envision Oculus Award in recognition of it’s national and international impact on improving the daily lives of persons with low vision. The award, handed out annually since 2010, honors the Department of Occupational Therapy program’s professional collaboration, advocacy, research and education in the field of low vision rehabilitation.
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Fottler establishes 1st endowed scholarship for UAB PhD program

2016-17 SHP Scholarship LuncheonMyron Fottler, Ph.D., who served as program director for the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Administration-Health Services program from 1983 until 1999, along with his wife Carol, has established the first endowed scholarship fund for the Ph.D. program located in the UAB School of Health Professions’ Department of Health Services Administration. Read more

UAB launches the Alabama Genomic Health Initiative
The University of Alabama at Birmingham — Alabama’s leading provider of genomic and personalized medicine — has launched the Alabama Genomic Health Initiative in partnership with HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology to better meet health needs across the state.
Read moreQuorum Health provides MSHA program’s 1st ever full-ride scholarship

UAB QEP demonstrates simulation learning to first-year students

ICDI YCDI: Piloting Expansion Nationwide

· 1st in the region to start a PT program
· 1st in Birmingham to start a DPT program
· 1st in the region to be nationally ranked
It goes without saying that when the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition needed someone to launch the I Can Do It, You Can Do It (ICDI YCDI) program in this area, UAB Physical Therapy was the first. Read more
Bill Parker establishes 1st endowed scholarship for PA program

UAB OT Low Vision course earns Quality Matters certification

UAB Nuclear Medicine Technology first in U.S. to transition to entry level Master’s

UAB NMT’s world class faculty and recently renovated facility made them the perfect choice to launch the new Master of Science in Nuclear Medicine Technology entry level program. Read more
UAB partners with IAG to help public service officers safely interact with people with special needs

The partnership is a unique initiative in which the school has an equity stake in IAG. Read more
Master of Science in Healthcare Quality & Safety Graduates 1st Class

On Saturday, August 13, 2016, the UAB School of Health Professions’ Healthcare Quality and Safety programs made history when the inaugural Master of Science class graduated during UAB’s Summer Commencement. Read more
NSF approves UAB Center for Health Organization Transformation

BMD’s Walker wins major national and University honors

U.S News & World Report rankings: OT up 3, PT top 20

MSHA ranked #2; SHP has 3 in U.S. News & World Report Top 20

Albin donates Gossman thesis to UAB PT

UAB PT leads way in promoting national program on health for people with disabilities

Nestlé, UAB and Woodlawn Foundation team up for early childhood nutrition education
In response to the growing childhood obesity epidemic, Nestlé, the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Health Professions and Woodlawn Foundation have come together to create the NUW Early Childhood Nutrition Program.
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SHP hosts Inaugural Dodgeball Tournament

Dietetic Internship graduates 50th class
Congratulations to the UAB Dietetic Internship program. At 10 a.m. on Friday, June 20, 2014, the program in the School of Health Professions graduated their 50th class.
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