Explore UAB

Health Care Explorations


Typically, you can explore all the the UAB School of Health Professions' options with us in person at our offices on the 2nd floor of the School of Health Professions Building. We are located in SHPB 230, which is just past the elevators. But if you are unable to visit campus or we miss you - we are still here for you.

These videos give you insight into who we are and what we offer. You will also see some student testimonials that talk about why they chose UAB and their programs.

And of course, if you still have more questions you can always contact us via email. Thank you for your interest in SHP and we look forward to working with you!

Visit us Virtually!

SHP Virtual Tour

Since we can no longer conduct in-person tours, or meet with prospective and admitted students, or just open our doors and show off our state-of-the-art classrooms and laboratories - we created a virtual tour for you.

Follow our camera from building to building, room to room, lab to lab and more. See it all from the comfort of your home and the convenience of your phone. Or of course, from wherever you may be on whatever device you prefer.

Why UAB - Doctor of Physical Therapy


Kelly, a second-year Doctor of Physical Therapy student, explains why she chose UAB. And she talks about a great thing she found at UAB - something that she wasn't even looking for.

Why SHP - Undergraduate and Research Honors Programs


Aundrea Harrison, an alumna of the School of Health Professions' Undergraduate Research and Honors Programs and Research Technician Certificate awardee, tells you just how the URH programs impacted her as a student and not only prepared her for the next level, but it was a "blessing" that formed who she is today.

Why UAB - Doctor of Physical Therapy Early Acceptance Program


Tara, a Doctor of Physical Therapy Early Acceptance Program student, talks about the many benefits about securing this position as an undergrad and why it gives her a jump start on her future.

2022 UAB SHP Doctor of Physical Therapy Virtual Tour

Since we cannot easily host in-person tours - we created a virtual tour for you! Dr. Christy (our Program Director) guides you through our labs, lecture rooms, study / gathering areas, her office, etc. View it all from wherever you are, on whatever device you prefer.