About CIMT
Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy (CI Therapy) is a treatment developed for more than 35 years here at UAB by behavioral neuroscientist Edward Taub, Ph.D., and the CI Therapy Research Group.
Specialized Treatment
CI Therapy is a specialized treatment that focuses on the use of the more-affected arm and hand after stroke, traumatic brain injury (TBI), multiple sclerosis (MS), brain tumor surgery, cerebral palsy, and other conditions resulting weakness and nonuse of one side of the body.
Treatment in the UAB SHP Neuroplasticity Rehabilitation Program is offered by highly skilled rehabilitation therapists who have specialized training in CI Therapy. Many of our therapists have developed their treatment techniques working in Taub’s research laboratory and the former UAB Taub Therapy Clinic, a clinical practice for CI Therapy that closed in 2020.
Evidence-Based Treatment
Taub and CI Therapy have been featured in many academic publications and media resources as well as in two best-selling books by Norman Doidge, Ph.D. called The Brain That Changes Itself and The Brain’s Way of Healing.
The same CI Therapy that has been developed and refined in Taub’s research laboratory since 1987 and is featured in these two best-selling books is the CI Therapy that is offered to you in the UAB SHP Neuroplasticity Rehabilitation Program.