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Committee Chair – Suzanne Michalek
Vice-Chair – Theresa Strong
Committee Contact Person – Donna S. Williamson
Phone: (205) 934-4752
Email: dsw@uab.edu

The IBC has been charged with the review and approval of all research (regardless of funding) involving recombinant or synthetic nucleic acid research classified as non-exempt by the NIH Guidelines, all research involving all agents capable of causing illness in man (designated Risk Group 2 and above), and all work involving the use of toxins. It is important to note that IBC approval is most often required prior to initiation of work.  The Committee has the authority to impose disciplinary measures in cases where there is violation of UAB's established practices and procedures.

The Institutional Biosafety Committee is comprised of members from the UAB Research Community, Environmental Health and Safety, as well as representatives from the local community each with expertise in biosafety, biosecurity, bacteriology, virology, public health, and/or animal containment. The Committee reports to the Vice President for Research and meets monthly to review and discuss proposed research activities, review training, facilities and facility modification, standard operating procedures, trends in biosafety and biosecurity, etc. If you have questions about the Committee or have topics of interest for the Committee, please send a brief email to projects@uab.edu and someone will contact you.

  • 1. Is my recombinant work exempt or non-exempt?
    Visit NIH Guidelines to determine if your work is exempt or non-exempt. If your work involves animals, this table will help to determine if it must be reviewed and approved by the IBC. Research categorized here is exempt. If it is still not clear how to classify your work, please contact Donna Williamson or Amanda Smith for help.


The IBC will convene on the following dates to review completed submissions received by the last working day of the previous month. Completed registration documents include the methodologies planned in the protocol, along with supporting documentation.

2025 IBC Meeting Dates, Monthly, second Monday of the month:

January 13

February 10

March 10

April 14

May 12

June 9

July 14

August 11

September 8

October 13

November 10

December 8