Explore UAB

Conflict of Interest Policies

UAB strives to ensure that the integrity of its sponsored programs is not compromised by bias resulting from financial conflicts of interest. To this end, UAB has developed and implemented policies, procedures, and processes for collecting information on financial interests, reviewing disclosed information in relation to institutional responsibilities, and managing any actual, potential or perceived conflicts of interest involved. Descriptions of conflict of interest policies, procedures, and processes may be accessed from the menu to the left. If you have questions regarding how these apply to you, please contact us at (205) 975-9690/9692 or cirb@uab.edu.

The OCIRB will provide you with the results of the review of your disclosed financial interests and the active projects on which you are named as responsible personnel. This document serves as the management plan if a financial conflict of interest has been identified. More details about the format of this document and the terms and conditions that may be required as part of the Management Plan are provided here. This document is applicable to any investigator identified by the CIRB as having a significant financial interest related to one's research that is determined to be a financial conflict of interest. The plan specifies the Investigator’s responsibilities. An Investigator may appeal the CIRB’s determination if he/she disagrees with the applicability of the management elements.

Please note these plans are now issued by email to the individual and become effective three (3) days from the date they are emailed.


New Annual Disclosure Requirement


UAB Enterprise Conflict of Interest and Conflict of Commitment Policy


UAB Enterprise Code of Conduct


Federal Regulations

Hyperlinks to conflict of interest regulations are listed below:

Information Concerning Financial Conflicts of Interest Involving Active Research Projects

This provides information about the active research projects in which the person named is responsible for the design, conduct, or reporting of the research and holds a significant financial interest that the institution has determined to be both related to the research and a financial conflict of interest. The information is current as of the date shown in the item(s) returned. New financial conflicts of interest will be posted within 60 days of being identified by the Institution. All information is subject to updates at least annually as long as the financial conflict of interest exists.

For Financial Conflicts of Interest Involving Active Research Projects please Click Here