• Does pregnancy protect a mom against Alzheimer’s?

    Does pregnancy protect a mom against Alzheimer’s?

    A new study sheds light on conflicting findings.
  • 5 things a philosopher learned from diving deep into neuroscience

    5 things a philosopher learned from diving deep into neuroscience

    Professor Josh May, Ph.D., shares lessons from his award-winning book “Neuroethics.”
  • 6 things to expect when UAB demolishes a building

    6 things to expect when UAB demolishes a building

    Curious about the process? Here's what you need to know.
  • Machine learning helps NICU babies breathe easier

    Machine learning helps NICU babies breathe easier

    Project to predict and prevent apnea in premature babies receives Blazer Bridge Fund support.
  • Investing in cutting-edge care through HSF-GEF awards

    Investing in cutting-edge care through HSF-GEF awards

    3D-printed prostheses, orthoses will save time and money — and give patients a better fit.
  • Shaping UAB’s future through the Campus Engagement Survey

    Previous survey responses led to enhancements in performance management across UAB.

    posted a while back 729 views
  • Learn how UAB’s Shared Values: We CARE affect your work in this new series
    How can you apply the new UAB Shared Values in your work? That is the subject of a new series from UAB Human Resources Learning & Development. Each virtual session will feature guest speakers from across campus. Provost Janet Woodruff-Borden, Ph.D., will lead the first session on collaboration at 11 a.m. Feb. 18. 
    posted a while back 798 views
  • Join a working group for the SUCCESS Initiative
    Following an analysis of results from a campuswide survey and stakeholder interviews, seven working groups have been created to address strategic priorities identified in the responses. Faculty and staff can apply to join a group. Learn more here. Also, RSVP for a town hall on the SUCCESS Initiative at 9 a.m. Feb. 24 at the Alumni House.
    posted a while back 1318 views
  • Updated training on fiscal responsibility to be required
    “Understanding Your UAB Fiscal Responsibility,” which is focused on the role employees play in managing UAB’s financial resources, will be assigned to certain employees based on job function through the UAB Learning System beginning July 1, 2024.
    posted a while back 2296 views
  • 12 honored for excellence in teaching

    Twelve faculty have been selected to receive the President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, which honors those who have demonstrated exceptional accomplishments in teaching. The 2023 honorees represent each school, the College of Arts and Sciences, the Honors College, and the Graduate School.

    posted a while back 6812 views
  • 9 faculty elevated to Distinguished, University professorships
    The UA System Board of Trustees awarded the rank of Distinguished Professor to Ravi Bhatia, Heith Copes, Craig Elmets, Denise A. Gainey, Jeffrey D. Kerby, Farah D. Lubin, Jean-François Pittet and Martin E. Young and the rank of University Professor to Peter S. Hendricks during its meetings in April and June 2023.
    posted a while back 7831 views
  • 3 chosen as UAB VIPs for second-quarter 2023
    Kayla Evans, Damian Schwartz and Brigitte Vola are the second-quarter 2023 honorees of the UAB Shared Values in Action Program, which honors those whose work exemplifies and embodies Forging the Future’s shared values. Nominations for third-quarter 2023 honorees are open through Aug. 23.
    posted a while back 5021 views
  • 4 honored with Provost's Awards for Faculty Excellence

    Jie Gao, Camerron Crowder, Ken Marion and James B. McClintock demonstrated extraordinary commitment to engaging undergraduate students in service learning, undergraduate research and education-abroad experiences.

    posted a while back 4888 views
  • 9 years running: UAB again honored as Tree Campus USA

    For the eighth year, UAB is recognized by the National Arbor Day Foundation for its work to nurture more than 4,400 healthy trees and engage students and employees in conservation. UAB also was honored for the fourth time with a Tree Campus Healthcare designation, which recognizes health institutions that make a mission-aligned impact on community wellness through tree education, investment and community engagement.

    posted a while back 5886 views
  • 3 chosen as UAB VIPs for first-quarter 2023

    Toby W. Tripp, Andrew B. Crouse and Carin Mayo are the first-quarter 2023 honorees of the UAB Shared Values in Action Program, which honors those whose work exemplifies and embodies Forging the Future’s shared values. Nominations for second-quarter 2023 honorees are open through May 24.

    posted a while back 4550 views
  • UAB authors can publish open access in Wiley, Cambridge journals at no cost

    Two agreements between UAB Libraries and Wiley and Cambridge University Press will enable university-affiliated authors to publish open access at no cost in more than 2,000 journals.

    posted a while back 5612 views
  • UAB recognizes 2023 diversity champions

    Five individuals and one student organization were honored with the 2022 President’s Diversity Champion Award during a ceremony at the Alumni House March 2.

    posted a while back 6146 views
  • 3 chosen as UAB VIPs for fourth-quarter 2022

    Tatyana Gavrikova, Sherry Polhill and Aparna Tamhane are the fourth-quarter 2022 honorees of the UAB Shared Values in Action Program, which honors those whose work exemplifies and embodies Forging the Future's shared values. Nominations for first-quarter 2023 honorees are open through Feb. 28.

    posted a while back 5141 views
  • 15-minute online training shares tips on how to best support students with disabilities

    Employees can learn about compliance with the Americans with Disabilities and Rehabilitation acts, explore best practices for engaging with students with disabilities, and access key resources during a new online training from UAB Disability Support Services.

    posted a while back 4387 views
  • 2022 in review: A banner Blazer year

    Programs across the university, from athletics to academics to patient care and more, were recognized on the national and international level in 2022, highlighting UAB’s continued commitment to excellence and achievement as outlined in Forging the Future, UAB’s strategic plan.

    posted a while back 7309 views
  • 2022 in review: UAB’s gold-medal performance

    Day after day during the World Games, contributions from Blazers made it possible to make athletes’ dreams come true and entertain fans while giving them a peek at the wealth of talent and creativity nurtured on UAB’s campus.

    posted a while back 4975 views
  • 4 honored with Provost’s Awards for Faculty Excellence

    Ana Oliveira, Sami Raut, Lisa McCormick and Meena Nabavi demonstrated extraordinary commitment to engaging undergraduate students in service learning, undergraduate research and education-abroad experiences.

    posted a while back 4782 views
  • What you need to know about the new NIH data management and sharing policy

    Beginning Jan. 25, 2023, the National Institutes of Health will implement a new data management and sharing policy, which will increase the rigor, reproducibility and transparency of research and create open access to data.

    posted a while back 5499 views
  • 12 honored for excellence in teaching

    Twelve faculty have been selected to receive the President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, which honors those who have demonstrated exceptional accomplishments in teaching. The 2022 honorees represent each school, the College of Arts and Sciences, the Honors College and the Graduate School.

    posted a while back 9528 views
  • 4 ways to honor service members this Veterans Day

    Attend the annual wreath-laying, donate to a blanket and clothing drive, read stories from UAB veterans and leave a message of thanks.

    posted a while back 4411 views