Patient Care

Prioritizing the health of women and children across the state by expanding resources for expectant mothers and families

American Cancer Society toolkit provides resources for health care providers to develop caregiver clinical services

Supports NFPCA expansion to 27 additional counties

Initiatives discussed in co-authored publication

Supporting career development of junior faculty in geriatrics

Leslie Pitts hopes to help pediatric patients, further research for rare genetic disorder

Bibb Medical Center, UABSON partnership helps meet needs of patients

New faculty practice improves access to care at Cooper Green Mercy Health Services

Pamela Jackson to study chronic low back pain, racial disparities in dissertation

Co-authored paper highlights successful partnership, positive results during COVID surge

Research focuses on mental health, experiences of Hispanic, Latino/a caregivers

MSN specialty track to address health care, workforce needs and improve perinatal outcomes

Funding totaling more than $11M studying how to create best possible health outcomes and care for individuals with Alzheimer’s Disease and related dementias and their caregivers

Pathway Independence Award from NIH enables continued preparation as post-doc, transition to independent, tenure-track position

Has seen more than 100 successful births since beginning nearly three years ago

School sharing resources, collaborating with international partners to provide faculty expertise, course content and teaching tools

DNP alumnus Darrell Owens discusses role, importance of palliative care during pandemic

PATH, HRTSA Clinics honored for creative integration of interprofessional education, collaborative practice for chronic disease management in vulnerable populations

Polancich to serve on Data Quality Technical Expert Panel

NIH grant to support Stockdill’s continued doctoral study in palliative care
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