Patient Care

Celebrating exemplary patient care and community engagement

Mark Wilson’s role in advocating for Nurse-Family Partnership of Central Alabama

Emerging technologies are helping to provide innovative student experiences

Leading sustainable, reciprocal global partnerships

Shmonica McCarroll wants to make sure everyone has access to care

Recognized by Albert Schweitzer Fellowship of Alabama for work with Fellow at School’s PATH Clinic

Loehr, Mason promoted to COO, CNO

Funding will support additional training for postdoctoral scholar

Free, on-demand webinars share faculty’s diabetes, cancer expertise

Alabama State Nurses Association Vice President leading through practice, example

Students gain critical clinical hours, hands-on experience with telehealth equipment

Selleck helped expand health care to underserved in Alabama as associate dean; Board of Visitors member Wallace founded Springhill Memorial Hospital and Southern Medical Health Systems

Income, working conditions and health disparities contribute to disproportionate rates of infection, death in minority populations

Faculty harness UAB Medicine COVID-19 clinical knowledge to provide undergraduates best, latest education

Nurse Family Partnership continues to provide care, guidance through telehealth and supply deliveries

Faculty use School's TeleCare Unit to continue primary care clinic with Changed Lives Christian Center and The Foundry Ministries, while providing undergrads needed clinical hours

Donations of PPE provide safety, combat shortage for UAB hospital, clinics and police

Innovation, communication keys to success

Quality improvement science experts ensure incorporation of quality and safety at all levels of education

With an NPCRC grant, assistant professor to create a culturally-adapted palliative care program.
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