Explore UAB

UAB SON Building

The University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Nursing (UABSON) was chartered as the University of Alabama School of Nursing (UASON) in 1950. The school opened its doors that year, after the Alabama Legislature in 1949 authorized and provided funds for a collegiate baccalaureate-level school of nursing in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, at the University of Alabama (UA).

In 1967, the school moved from the Tuscaloosa campus to UA's rapidly growing Birmingham satellite campus, where it became a component of the academic complex that in 1969 became an autonomous university – now known as the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB).

This school's history has Birmingham-based nursing education roots dating to 1903, embedded in diploma nursing education provided by hospitals that became the foundation for UAB's internationally known medical center. Today the UAB School of Nursing—offering baccalaureate, master's, and doctoral nursing education—continues to pioneer in educating nurse leaders.

History Highlights