The Surgical Education Research Program studies the process by which we train future surgeons and surgical leaders. Our focus areas include surgical simulation, conflict management, robotic surgical curriculum, and surgery work hours as well as other educational interests.
The UAB Department of Surgery is committed to developing the next generation of surgical scientists. Faculty mentor and provide valuable research experiences for undergraduate students, medical students, graduate students and post-doctoral research fellows. The Department of Surgery also maintains several formal research training programs designed to encourage trainees to explore research careers and obtain experience that is critical to the development of surgeon-scientists. The UAB Surgical Oncology Research Training Program provides two-year research fellowships for surgeon trainees with an emphasis on tailored cancer research training. Additionally, summer research training opportunities are available for high school students, undergraduates and medical students.
Pre-College Research Internship for Scholarship and Mentoring (PRISM)
PRISM provides high school students who are interested in careers in healthcare and medicine with a mentored summer research experience. Students explore careers in the field of surgery and learn the critical role that research plays in improving patient care and patient outcomes.
Future Surgeons and Scientists Investigating Oncology (FUSSION)
FUSSION provides promising undergraduate students who are interested in a medical career with research experience and knowledge that 1) increases their competitiveness for admission to medical school and 2) encourages them to consider careers in academic medicine, particularly the field of surgery.
Short-Term Research Experiences Advancing Medical Students (STREAMS)
The Department of Surgery encourages medical students to enhance their training through research experience. Mentored research opportunities are available through the STREAMS program in basic science, translational, clinical, outcomes and education research.
Surgical Oncology Research Training Program
The NIH T32-funded UAB Surgical Oncology Research Training Program provides promising surgeon-scientists with the opportunity for comprehensive, mentored translational and health services research training. The training program fosters the development of knowledge, competence, skills, professional attitudes and experience required for successful academic careers in surgical oncology research.
Stimulating Access to Research in Residency (StARR) Program
The UAB Stimulating Access to Research in Residency (StARR) Program, funded by an NIH NIAID R38 award, supports mentored research and career development activities for residents from UAB’s Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, Pathology, Surgery, and OB/GYN Residency Programs. Each year, up to 4 residents from those residency programs will be selected for UAB StARR based on their StARR application merits and will complete a 12-month program.