PGY-6 thoracic surgery resident Paul Linsky, M.D., attended the Society for Thoracic Surgery’s Legislative Fly-in in Washington, D.C., last week after receiving the STS Legislative Fly-in Scholarship. Shoutout to PGY-6 thoracic surgery resident, Paul Linsky, M.D., who attended the Society for Thoracic Surgery’s Legislative Fly-in in Washington, D.C., last week after receiving the STS Legislative Fly-in Scholarship. The STS Legislative Fly-in is an annual event that seeks to update participants on policy issues specific to cardiothoracic surgery and offer meetings with lawmakers to discuss how those issues could impact patient care.
In order to be considered for the scholarship, Linsky submitted his CV along with a short essay about why he wanted to be involved in the program and what he felt he could contribute to STS policy as it related to U.S. governmental regulations on healthcare.
“The issues we addressed at the event were active legislation in the U.S. House and Senate regarding an increase in funding for residency positions across all specialties and the prohibition of smoking on the grounds of VA health facilities,” Linsky said. “We also discussed efforts to avoid reducing reimbursements for lung cancer screening initiatives and the protection for funding of the Agency for Health Care Research and Quality.”