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dress code

With the start of a new academic year and with many exciting visitors and events coming to UAB Surgery, it’s a great time to reacquaint ourselves with UAB dress code policy and put our best foot forward!

The UAB Professional Code of Conduct and Appearance policy establishes guidelines for professional behavior, actions, and appearance. It provides guidance on uniforms like scrubs and professionalism standards for non-uniformed employees. The Department of Surgery expects each faculty and staff to understand this policy and what it means for them.

Whether you work primarily in the OR, clinic, lab, or at a desk – what you wear to work may be different than others. That is why is it very important to have a conversation with your supervisor about what proper attire is for your unit.

But there are some things that we can all do to look a bit more polished!


Know what’s expected – there are uniform and PPE rules for many of our roles. Clinical care and lab work may have stricter dress code rules intended to keep you, your colleagues, and our patients safe. Be sure to talk with your supervisor to learn more.

Own your professional etiquette – dressing professionally is going to be different for different people, and that is fine. But taking pride in your appearance makes you feel more confident and represents the department well.

Bring your personal style – one of the best things about our team is that everyone is unique and bringing your style and personality into your work attire is always something you should strive for!


Keep it too casual – generally, there are some clothes that should probably not come to work with you. Jeans, tank tops, flip flops, see-through or revealing garments, leggings as pants, and shorts are good examples. And while we know you look fabulous, it’s just not the right fit for the office.

Forget your ID – did you know UAB Medicine employees are supposed to display their badges above the waist while on campus? Well, now we know! Remember if you ever need a new lanyard or badge real, ask your supervisor or the chair’s office. They usually have extras!

Stress about it – If you need help finding your UAB work style, talk to your supervisor or come visit our fantastic HR team. They can help answer questions and help make judgment calls. You got this!


For more information or if you have questions, please contact SurgHR@uabmc.edu.