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Dr. Adam BeckProfessor and Director of the Division of Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Therapy and Holt A. McDowell, Jr., M.D., Endowed Chair in Vascular Surgery Adam Beck, M.D., has been appointed Secretary-Treasurer of the Southern Association for Vascular Surgery (SAVS).

As Secretary-Treasurer of SAVS and a member of the Executive Council, Beck will record meeting minutes, oversee society documentation of important bylaws and amendments, and keep a roster of all the members of the Association. Beck will also submit a brief report of the transactions and business of the Association for the preceding year to the Executive Council at each annual meeting.

Beck’s will serve a five-year term as Secretary-Treasurer and is honored to serve in his new role.

“I look forward to representing UAB Surgery in this national leadership position,” said Beck. “SAVS is a premiere vascular organization, and I am honored to serve the members of the Society.”

Founded in 1976, the Southern Association for Vascular Surgery is a vascular surgical organization established to promote the art and science of peripheral vascular surgery, to further education, and to perpetuate friendships of its selected members. Association members are invited and selected on the basis of their surgical competence and professional merit.