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This month, Associate Professor of Surgery and Director of Research for the Division of Acute Care Surgery Jan Jansen, MBBS, Ph.D., received a U34 Planning Grant from the National Institutes of Health to support his work on a new clinical trial.

Dr. Jan JansenDr. Jan Jansen

Jansen serves as a principal investigator on the TROOP – or “Trauma Resuscitation with Group O Whole Blood Or Products” – trial, which aims to discover and develop new, more efficient methods for treating hemorrhagic shock.

The trial will receive roughly $200,000 in research funding from the NIH’s National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute over the course of a year, beginning this month.

Both UAB and the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston are working together to collect research for this multidisciplinary project. Professionals from trauma surgery, critical care, emergency medicine, biostatistics and other healthcare backgrounds will contribute to finding an optimal solution for blood transfusion therapy.