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Dr. Manu Kaushik Assistant Professor

Areas of Interest
gastrointestinal surgery, general surgery, outcomes research


Dr Manu Kaushik is a general surgeon and assistant professor in the UAB Division of Gastrointestinal Surgery. He completed his medical school at Manipal College of Medical Sciences and moved to the U.S. to complete his residency in general surgery at Ascension Providence Hospital, Michigan State University MI before joining the UAB Division of GastroIntestinal Surgery in 2021. His clinical interests include GI and general surgery, and he enjoys practicing all aspects of general and rural surgery. During his residency, Dr. Kaushik developed an interest in outcomes research and will continue to analyze outcomes in rural Alabama. He is currently a member of the American College of Surgeons, International College of Surgeons, South Asian Association of Surgeons, and Society for the Surgery of the Alimentary tract.

Selected Publications

1. Kaushik M, Philip S, Kolachalam R. A Visit to the Emergency Department with neck and Shoulder Pain. JAMA Surg 2018 Aug doi:10.1001/jamasurg.2018.2729 Pubmed ID - 30090924

2. Kaushik M, Bhullar JS, Bindroo S, Singh H, Mittal VK. Minimally Invasive Management of Complicated Diverticular Disease: Current Status and Review of Literature. Pubmed ID - 26547753

3. Kaushik M, Bakula G, Mittal V. Surgical Checklists: Prevention is better than cure. Indian J Surg 2017 Dec;79(6):580-581, doi 10.1007/s12262-017-1665-4 Pubmed I- 29217917

4. Kaushik. M; Letter to the Editor on “Managing Axillary artery Injuries-The Present Perspective”: Ref.: Ms. No. IJOS-D-15-00325 Pubmed ID- 27011608

5. Philip S, Kaushik M, Mittal VK. Factors associated with treatment failure after an index episode of Acute diverticulitis. Am Surg, 2017 Jan 1;83(1).e21-22 Pubmed ID -28234114

6. Kaushik. M, Bobber, B, Eisenfeld. L, Hussain, N; Case Report of Hemophilus parainfluenzae Sepsis in a Newborn Infant Following Water Birth and a Review of Literature- Submitted to the Journal of Parentology , manuscript id-15-Apr-R-0030 Pubmed ID- 26495182

7. Chintamani, Garg M, Kaushik M, Bansal A, Agarwal U, Saxena S, Targeted Four Node Sampling Of Axilla: A simple , reliable, and cost effective approach in the management of breast cancer. Astrocyte 2014:1:84-8

8. Varshney N, A Kabede, Bhullar JS, Kaushik M. A Review of Von Hippel-Lindau Syndrome. J Kidney Cancer VHL.2017;4(3);20-29 . Pubmed ID-6051880

9. Mittal VK, Kaushik M, Bindroo S, Bhullar JS. Surgical Education (Developed vs Developing Nations), Disparities and Future Directions: Fulbright Project Survey Report. Indian Journal of Surgery.

10. Kaushik M, Breeden J, Mittal V. Radiation Cholecystitis, A Diagnosis to be Considered?. International Journal of Surgery and Surgical Techniques 11. Bakula, G, Kaushik M, Mittal VK. Perception of Needle Stick Injuries among medical students and residents in the operating room. Accepted for publication in the American Surgeon

Honors and Awards

1. Michigan State University medical student educator of the year Award 2019-2020

2. Resident Educator of the Year Award – 2019-2020

3. Resident of the year Award- 2019-2020

4. Residency Research Forum Award-2018-2019

5. Residency Research Scholar award- 2018-2019

6. Michigan state Pfeiffer Award for research- 2018-2019

7. Grand prize, Research scholar award at the International College of Surgeons meeting, Chicago 2018 for best Oral Presentation on “Novel Concept of Inducing Chronic Allograft Nephropathy in an Animal Model” 2018

8. Research forum 3rd place award for Oral presentation on Demographic and clinical differences between HCC NOS ad Clear Cell HCC :Evaluation of SEER Data 1973-2013; 2017-2018

9. Residency Research scholar award year 2016-2017


Medical School
Manipal College of Medical Sciences, Pokhara, Nepal

Ascension Providence Hospital, Southfield, MI, General Surgery

