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UASOM Grading Policy
The grading system for the Ob/Gyn Clerkship is as follows:
  • 1/4 – computerized NBME examination 
  • 3/4 - determined by your clinical performance according to the resident & faculty evaluations and faculty administered oral examination. 
  • In order to receive overall Honors for the clerkship, you must score 50th percentile or higher and have Clinical Honors. 
  • In order to have Clinical Honors, you MUST have 50% honors grades on evaluations from Faculty & upper level residents (Not PGY 1) AND  a grade of 90 or higher on the Oral Exam.

The residents, fellows, and faculty will evaluate the students’ clinical performance using the E*Value system, based on the evaluation form approved by the School of Medicine (SOM).   Professionalism issues and work ethic such as conference attendance, punctuality, active participation in patient care, knowledge base, ability to work well in a team setting, etc, are all important in the final grade analysis.

The Ob/Gyn Student Education Committee will review each student’s performance on the written examination, oral examination, and clinical evaluations prior to the release of student grades. This committee will formulate decisions concerning borderline or failing performance.

 All evaluations and examinations used in the clerkship are described below, with links to any necessary forms.