The implementation of the various training programs has built a culture of community for Cardio-Renal researchers and clinicians at UAB. Notably, several of our training programs are supported with extramural NIDDK funding. These activities have sustained success over the past 10 years and are the foundation of the CRPM’s Impact on Training.
We developed and continue to offer two graduate courses in kidney physiology, each directed by Dr. Kelly Hyndman and Dr. Subhashini Bolisetty. A Cardio-Renal journal club includes CRPM Section faculty as facilitators and lecturers under the leadership of Dr. John Knight. These courses and journal club have included scholars in and outside CRPM. We also initiated a program for predoctoral students and postdoctoral fellows to gain skills in grant peer-reviewing with the Scientific Mentoring And Research Training (or “SMART” program) with early career and established faculty members facilitating this endeavor. Dr. Bryan Becker currently facilitates the SMART program.
Cardio-Renal and affiliated faculty, students, and fellows across our UAB community are the backbone of sustaining our summer research programs, including 2 NIH R25 NIDDK-funded programs.
Training impact from 2014 - January 2024 is in the image to the right.
CRPM and Affiliated Training Opportunities

Journal Club - Kidney, Urology and Non-Malignant Hematology
The KUH Journal Club explores state-of-the-art topics in vascular and renal physiology and pathophysiology. Topics are rotated monthly to provide focus on the cardiovascular and renal system, while highlighting interplay between the systems based on their underlying physiology. Students will gain insight into hypothesis testing, critical thinking skills, new paradigms for research, and cutting-edge experimental methods and models.

Fundamentals of Renal Physiology
Fundamentals of Renal Physiology, 3 credit hours Fall Semester
Course objectives: To provide detailed understanding of renal physiology through a series of lectures, histology analyses, small group discussion, workshop based study problems, and simulations. Experts in kidney physiology will give lectures, to establish a foundation in renal physiology. The activities are designed for hands-on application of the principles taught in the lectures.
Course Director: Dr. Kelly Hyndman
Kidney Pipeline Programs
Cardio-Renal and affiliated faculty, students, and fellows across our UAB community are the backbone of sustaining our summer research programs.
SMART Program
SMART review is a mock study section that consists of a rigorous peer review of early stage career grants including AHA predoctoral, postdoctoral, scientist development grants, NIH F-series, or any other similar grant.
For more information regarding SMART reviews, or if you would like to serve on a panel or submit a grant for review, please contact Dr. Bryan Becker (

Advanced Study of Renal Physiology
GBSC 732. Advanced Study of Renal Physiology. 3 Hours.
Advanced Course. The objective of this course is to increase familiarity with classic renal physiology terminology, improve understanding of mechanisms for evaluating renal function, and to become familiar with the forefronts in research related to renal physiology and disease.
Course Director: Dr. Subhashini Bolisetty
Current Scholars
Postdoctoral Fellows

Keri Kemp, PhD

Lance Benson, PhD

Randee Sedaka, PhD

Juheb Ahkter, PhD
Predoctoral Scholars

Van Nguyen
Mentor: Dr. Kelly Hyndman

Tha Luong
Mentors: Drs. Jennifer and David Pollock

Huy Nguyen

Cailin Kellum
Mentor: Dr. Jennifer Pollock

Claudia Edell

Abigail Brooks
Mentor: Dr. Carmen De Miguel

Hiruni Aponso
Mentor: Dr. David Pollock

Tamara Al-Dhagastani
Mentor: Dr. David Pollock

Mohammad Sako
Mentor: Dr. Malgorzata Kasztan

Han Eckenrode
Mentor: Dr. Lisa Curtis

Gillian Kelly
Mentor: Dr. Jennifer Pollock