Explore UAB

Department of Biomedical Informatics and Data Science

resized R5A 2136

GBS-Genetics, Genomics & Bioinformatics Theme

The Genetics, Genomics & Bioinformatics (GGB) theme of the Graduate Biomedical Science (GBS) Doctoral Program is one of eight interdisciplinary Ph.D. themes. Though students select a theme upon application, flexibility in research and academics is still available in the program with access to faculty and courses across GBS.

The program prepares students for independent research careers in experimental and computational disciplines. Students are encouraged to collaborate with graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and faculty during their training and to participate in the biological scientist community at UAB and Hudson Alpha Institute for Biotechnology. Department of Biomedical Informatics and Data Science (DBIDS) faculty provide mentoring and research opportunities for students interested in bioinformatics. 

Bioinformatics Track

The Bioinformatics Track is a collaborative effort between the Department of Biomedical Informatics and Data Science and Ph.D. students within the Department of Biomedical Engineering. Students will have their dissertation research and most of their elective coursework focused on bioinformatics. Elective bioinformatics courses include Algorithms in Bioinformatics, Biological Data Management, and Next-Generation Sequencing Data Analysis. 

Admissions and Application

Applications for Fall 2024 will open around August 2024.  Applications are not accepted for spring or summer terms.

Click here for admissions and application requirements

Training Plan

GGB training incorporates hands-on experience in state-of-the-art molecular techniques to study gene structure, expression, and function in diverse experimental systems.

Click here for GGB training plans

Master of Science in Multidisciplinary Biomedical Science

Bioinformatics is offered as one of the five concentration options within the Master of Science in Multidisciplinary Biomedical Science (MSMBS) Program. This program is targeted at students or employees who wish to improve their career success in biomedical sciences. Thesis and non-thesis options are available and students may start during any semester. 

Application and Admissions

Application Deadlines
Fall: August 1
Spring: December 1
Summer: April 15

Click here for admissions and application requirements 


Thesis (Plan I)
Students completing this plan must take 45 credit hours and complete a research project. To earn the Bioinformatics concentration, 9 out of 15 elective credit hours must be bioinformatics electives (INFO 601, 602, 603, 604 and 662).

Non-thesis (Plan II)
Students completing this plan must take 30 credit hours. To earn the Bioinformatics concentration, 9 out of 12 elective credit hours must be bioinformatics electives (INFO 601, 602, 603, 604 and 662).

Other Graduate Programs with Informatics Institute Involvement 

School of Nursing

Master of Science in Nursing Informatics

School of Health Professions

Master of Science in Health Informatics

College of Arts and Science-Department of Computer Science

Master of Science in Data Science-Bioinformatics Track 
Students may also obtain this degree through the Accelerated Bachelor's/Master's Program (ABM).

Graduate Informatics Courses

If you have questions about graduate opportunities in Bioinformatics contact Dr. Jake Chen, Director of Bioinformatic Graduate Program.

Below is a listing of graduate-level informatics courses.

Below is a listing of graduate-level informatics courses being offered in the next term. 

Click here for course registration