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Postdoctoral position in Bioinformatics

We are seeking passionate and motivated Bioinformatics geeks to join the team. The position is for 2-3 years with possible extension. Project will depend on the interests and abilities of the applicant. Our projects mainly fall into two categories: one is the development of efficient tools; the other is the application of the tools to discover novel biological insights from sequencing data.

Ideal candidates would be:

  • Ph.D. in genomics, bioinformatics, computer science, physics, mathematics, genetics, etc. with a general background in computational biology.

  • Strong skills in algorithm design and data analysis, experience in next-generation and/or third-generation sequencing data is a plus.

  • Demonstrated related research achievements.

To apply, please email Zechen (zchong at uab.edu) a letter of interest and current CV including a list of publications and details of three references.

Graduate students