Training the next generation of family medicine physicians
Our faculty and staff are responsible for the initiation, development and administration of programs and curriculum for medical students in each of their four years. These programs and curriculum include the Family Medicine Clerkship (MS3), the Ambulatory Medicine Acting Internships (MS4), and the Family Medicine and Rural Medicine Programs, which include the MS3 selectives and MS4 electives.
In addition, the Pathway Program provides rural clinical experiences for prematriculation, MS1 and MS2 students. Family Medicine research opportunities are also available for MS3 and MS4 scholarly activities.
We also advise and work closely with the UASOM Family Medicine Interest Group. Our interest group facilitates monthly seminars, clinical skills workshops, community outreach projects and other activities during the academic year to help students learn about family practice and encourage and sustain interest during the preclinical years.
Our faculty and staff also maintain consistent communications with our volunteer faculty. Our volunteer faculty, currently over 200 in number, includes family physicians from the rural and urban areas of the state of Alabama. We attribute the high quality of our student programs and clinical experiences to their dedication and excellent teaching skills.