Explore UAB

The Developmental Core created a biannual Specific Aims workshop for CFAR ESI and NHI, addressing grant submissions, specifically works in progress. The goal is to offer critical, multi-disciplinary feedback on specific aims pages for NIH funding. Faculty facilitators, chosen for subject expertise, mentor and review participants' presentations, fostering discussion and input. Following the broader session, two faculty facilitators provide in-depth feedback on the investigator's specific aims page and presentation.

Investigator Resources: 
Tips: How to write a Specific Aims page
Participant slide template
Introductory Slides from the May 2024 workshop

Contact: Mary Thielen

Acknowledge the Center

Support the UAB Center for AIDS Research by acknowledging services in publications, abstracts, and grants. Cite us: This research was supported by the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) Center For AIDS Research CFAR, an NIH funded program (P30 AI027767) that was made possible by the following institutes: NIAID, NCI, NICHD, NHLBI, NIDA, NIMH, NIA, NIDDK, NIGMS, NIMHD, FIC, NIDCR, and OAR.