Explore UAB

Email Use

UAB provides email services to faculty, staff, and students through Microsoft Office 365. UAB email and other electronic messaging technologies are intended for communication between individuals and clearly identified groups of interested individuals, not for mass broadcasting.

1.0 Sending Spam or Mass Emails

No one shall use University facilities to distribute spam messages without prior authorization. Such messages are defined as the same or substantially the same e-mail message sent to more than one person without prior evidence that they wish to receive it. The University reserves the right to discard incoming mass mailings and spam without notifying the sender or intended recipient. See UAB Acceptable Use Policy.

2.0 Forwarding

Automatic email forwarding to a non-UAB IT account is permissible, but be sure you understand the risks and policies that affect you. Storage or forwarding of Restricted/PHI data is not permitted in uab.edu email. However, if you receive an email containing Restricted/PHI information and you have configured your mailbox to forward to a third party; this will lead to a breach of this information. Also, UAB IT encourages faculty, students and staff not to automatically forward email to non-UAB accounts because of the lack of security oversight of those types of services; data protection concerns around FERPA and HIPAA; and the desire to guarantee the best possible supported user experience on campus.

  • If you choose to set up email forwarding, please note: Any UAB message, regardless of location, is subject to UAB open records.
  • Information forwarded to third parties, outside of UAB contracts, could constitute an unauthorized disclosure of restricted information. You are liable for these disclosures.
  • It is a violation of UAB HIPAA policy to forward email containing sensitive information or Protected Health Information to public email systems.

3.0 Blazer 4 Life and termination of Office 365 accounts

Students, faculty and staff who leave the University in good standing can keep their uab.edu email address, but have a set timeframe to keep documents stored in Office 365. Your Office 365 account provides access to email, any documents or files you have stored in Office 365, and online Office applications.

By setting up a forwarding email address before your Office 365 account is terminated, you can keep your This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. email address.

Refer to the table below for information on when and how you can use Blazer 4 Life.




Emeritus Faculty

Timeframe for termination of Office 365 account

One year from when you leave the University in good standing

Ninety days from when you leave the University in good standing

Account maintained once emeritus status approved.

How to use Blazer 4 Life

Log in to web email and add a forwarding address. Learn how.

Log in to web email and add a forwarding address. Learn how.

Make sure to log in to web email and add a forwarding address, if appoval will take longer than 90 days.