Explore UAB

T. Wade

I selected UAB over other universities because the CEM program is prestigious, very well-known, and has a more affordable cost. Also, looking at the numbers, the CEM program was ranked much better, and the courses lined up neck-to-neck. UAB is an “Unforgettable” experience, an “Admirable” institution, and the “Beginning” of success and happiness.

Being part of the fully online CEM program allowed me to help my company do business during the COVID-19 pandemic. I was the one in my office giving tutorials about how to run a virtual meeting with cameras and shared computer screens.

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T. Wade

I selected UAB over other universities because the CEM program is prestigious, very well-known, and has a more affordable cost. Also, looking at the numbers, the CEM program was ranked much better, and the courses lined up neck-to-neck. UAB is an “Unforgettable” experience, an “Admirable” institution, and the “Beginning” of success and happiness.