Explore UAB

W. Rumph

The knowledge, skills and abilities gained from the CEM degree program has been pragmatic in all aspects of my construction business. It also inspired me to expand plan to include program and project management services as part of my construction company portfolio. As a result, I entered an alliance with a larger firm, and we just landed a very large construction management contract. This would not be possible without my UAB experience.


To schedule an interview or to ask questions about CEM, contact:

Dianne K. Gilmer, MEng
Instructor and Director of CEM Student Affairs
Phone: (205) 975-5848
Fax: (205) 934-9855

Or you can fill out the contact form below.


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W. Rumph

The knowledge, skills and abilities gained from the CEM degree program has been pragmatic in all aspects of my construction business. It also inspired me to expand plan to include program and project management services as part of my construction company portfolio. As a result, I entered an alliance with a larger firm, and we just landed a very large construction management contract. This would not be possible without my UAB experience.