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Educational Studies in Diverse Populations

An SEHS professor teaching class.

Expand Research and Lead Innovation in Diverse Populations

This program helps prepare you to conduct research and lead innovation that enhances educational and life outcomes for diverse populations in P–12, post-secondary, and community settings. Such diverse populations include culturally and linguistically diverse individuals, those with disabilities, those from high-poverty backgrounds, those impacted by gender bias or bias related to sexual orientation, and those with other learning or behavioral differences.

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Available Degrees

Students can choose from one of three concentrations: Pedagogical Studies in Diverse Populations, Health Disparities within Diverse Populations, or Context, Culture, and Policy.

Pedagogical Studies in Diverse Populations

The Pedagogical Studies concentration examines educational policies, curriculum, and instruction that support the needs of diverse learners in P–12 schools, language institutes, and teacher education settings.

Health Disparities within Diverse Populations

The Health Disparities within Diverse Populations concentration examines cultural, psychological, behavioral, social, and environmental influences that impact health and education.

Context, Culture, and Policy

The Context, Culture, and Policy concentration analyzes educational institutions and initiatives through the lens of geopolitical space, sociocultural studies, and global justice in relation to the experiences of diverse populations.

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In addition to prerequisite requirements, the program comprises four essential parts: core courses, research courses, concentration courses, and a dissertation. After completing any required prerequisites and a series of core and research courses, you will select either Pedagogical Studies in Diverse Populations, Context, Culture, and Policy, or Health Disparities within Diverse Populations as your concentration. Through coursework in your concentration area and up to 12 hours of interdisciplinary courses, you will gain an in-depth, research-based understanding of your specified concentration that will help prepare you for your dissertation work.

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Why Choose UAB’s Educational Studies in Diverse Populations Doctoral Program?

Cohort Model

As a cohort group, you will take your initial core courses and perhaps some of the required research courses. Upon admission to your concentration, you will work on an individualized course plan throughout the courses.

Simple Admissions Process 

Cohorts begin every other year (in even-numbered years). Degree-seeking applications are due March 1 in even-numbered years for admission to cohorts starting in the Fall. Learn more about the admissions process.

Different Concentrations Offered

Choose one of our three concentrations to make experience in our PhD program specialized. We offer concentrations in Pedagogical Studies in Diverse Populations, Health Disparities within Diverse Populations, and Context, Culture, and Policy.




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