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Department of Restorative Sciences
(General Dentistry, Hospital Dentistry, Prosthodontics, Dental Assisting Program & Student Dental Health)
SDB 520
(205) 975-2777

Mary Geter

Division of Postdoctoral General Dentistry
General Dental Residency
(205) 975-0996

Woman wearing a mask working on a mold of teeth.

About Our Department

We are committed to excellence in oral health education, research, and patient care.

In addition to providing core predoctoral didactic and clinical education, our department's postdoctoral (residency) programs offer specialized care for patients with debilitated oral health, providing advanced treartments and restorative procedures. These residency programs include Advanced Education in Prosthodontics, Advanced Education in Maxillofacial Prosthetics, and General Practice Residency and Advanced Education in General Dentistry programs, all of which serve as a second tier of patient care and provide the D.M.D. program with both clinical and teaching support. The department also offers auxiliary academic programs, addressing current and future labor force needs by educating a competent and efficient oral health care team. Research conducted by the department aims to augment the body of knowledge through laboratory, clinical, and materials research for the prevention and treatment of oral diseases.

Clinical Facilities

Advanced General Dentistry Clinic
Advanced General Dentistry Clinic
Graduate Prosthodontics Clinic
Graduate Prosthodontics Clinic
Maxillofacial Prosthetics Clinic
Maxillofacial Prosthetics Clinic
Comprehensive Care Clinic
Comprehensive Care Clinic
Urgent/Limited Care Clinic
Urgent/Limited Care Clinic

Clinical Laboratories & Imaging

Research and Scholarly Activity

Restorative Sciences

Restorative Sciences

Faculty members in the department are actively involved in or contribute to the following Research & Scholarly Activities:

  • CAD-CAM restorative materials and techniques
  • Dental materials – composite, ceramics, and post systems
  • Epidemiological studies related to populations treated in community-based health education and AIDS health care.
  • Dental PBRN projects
  • Athletic mouth guard program and Special Olympics
  • Dental implant restorations and techniques
  • Digital Dentistry
  • Temporomandibular disorders

Contact Us


Department of Restorative Sciences
(General Dentistry, Hospital Dentistry, Prosthodontics, Dental Assisting Program & Student Dental Health)
SDB 520
(205) 975-2777

Mary Geter

Division of Postdoctoral General Dentistry
General Dental Residency
(205) 975-0996