About Our Department
Welcome to the UAB Department of Periodontology. We are committed to optimizing the overall health of our patients and the community through superior periodontal care, education, and outreach. We work to do so through innovative programs in teaching, patient care and research. Well-qualified and passionate faculty direct these efforts supported by dedicated staff.
Research and Scholarly Activity

The Department of Periodontology is actively engaged in clinical and translational research that truly focuses upon the UAB School of Dentistry’s core values: excellence, patient-centered, innovation, and unity of purpose. We aim to conduct research that meets the highest standards in a state-of-the-art facility to provide benefits to our patients and to expand the knowledge base in periodontology. Our research interests include periodontal-systemic connection, innovative regenerative technologies, dental implant innovations, epigenetics, and the periodontal microbiome.
Recent Studies
Active Studies
- A dental implant registry of treatment outcomes of implant therapy by practitioners in the National Dental Practice Based Research Network (UG3 DE030090).
- Association between maxillary sinus characteristics and graft volumetric stability 12 months after lateral window sinus augmentation: A retrospective study.
- A prospective, randomized clinical trial to compare side incision access mucosal incision (SAMRI) and sulcular tunnel access (STA) root coverage procedures with coronally advanced flap and acellular dermal matrix (ADM) to treat teeth with gingival recession and lack of adequate keratinized tissue.
- Growth factor availability and release kinetics in Platelet Rich Fibrin versus rh-PDGF with and without bone substitutes: An in vitro analysis.
- The effect of maxillary sinus anatomical variations, surgical considerations, and patient factors on volumetric changes following lateral wall sinus floor elevation technique for up to 8 years.
- Gain of Keratinized Mucosa Around Teeth and Dental Implants Using a combination of Strip Gingival Graft and Acellular Dermal Matrix.
- Lateral Ridge Augmentation Using allograft bone particles hydrated with or without Recombinant Human Platelet-Derived Growth factor: A clinical and Histological Randomized Controlled Trial.
- A Randomized, Double-Blind, Active-Control, Single-Center Safety and Efficacy Study of a Novel Dental Gel(LDG) as an Adjunct to Scaling and Root Planing (SRP) in Subjects with Stage II and III Periodontitis.
- A prospective, randomized clinical trial to compare orthodontic molar protraction with and without adjunctive periodontally accelerated osteogenic orthodontic (PAOO) surgery.
- Tissue Procurement for Periodontal and Dental Implant Research.
- Impact of abutment angulation on longitudinal dental implant outcomes.
Peer-Reviewed Articles
- Basma HS, Geurs NC, Geisinger ML. Choosing the Ideal Implant-Supported Prosthesis for an Edentulous Maxilla: Three Key Prosthetic Parameters. Compend Contin Educ Dent. 2022; 43(3): 148-153.
- Neumeier TT, Reddy M, Geurs N, Hill J, Neumeier H. Longitudinal Study of Dental Implants in HIV-Positive Patients. J Prosthodont. 2022; 31(2): 115-120.
- Souccar NM, Oueis R, Mussleman JP, Geurs NC, Abou Arraj RV. The Impact of Orthodontic Retainers on Gingival Recession: A Best-Evidence Review Compend Contin Educ Dent. 2022; 43(3): 126.
- Ioannidou E, Geurs N, Lipman R, Araujo MWB, Elkareh J, Engebretson S, Eber R, Oates T, Diaz P, Spino C. Antibiotic prescription patterns among US general dentists and periodontists. J Am Dent Assoc. 2022;153(10):979-988. PMID: 36038399
- Sheiko SS, Vashahi F, Morgan BJ, Maw M, Dashtimoghadam E, Fahimipour F, Jacobs M, Keith AN, Vatankhah-Varnosfaderani M, Dobrynin AV. Mechanically Diverse Gels with Equal Solvent Content. ACS Cent Sci. 2022; 8(6):845-852. PMID: 35756385; PMCID: PMC9228556
- Stoll ML, Wang J, Kau CH, Pierce MK, Morrow CD, Geurs NC. Pro-Inflammatory Oral Microbiota in Juvenile Spondyloarthritis: A pilot study. Children (Basel). 2022; 17;9(11):1764. PMID: 36421212 PMCID: PMC9688681
- Rodriguez MV, Ravida A, Saleh MHA, Basma HS, Dukka H, Khurshid H, Wang HL, Morena PG. Is the degree of physiological bone remodeling a predictive factor for peri-implantitis? J Periodontol. 2022; 93(9):1273-1282. PMID: 35536150 PMCID: PMC9796402.
- Vashahi F, Martinez MR, Dashtimoghadam E, Fahimipour F, Keith AN, Bersenev EA, Ivanov DA, Zhulina EB, Popryadukhin P, Matyjaszewski K, Vatankhah-Varnosfaderani M, Sheiko SS. Injectable bottlebrush hydrogels with tissue-mimetic mechanical properties. Sci Adv. 2022; 8(3):eabm2469. PMID: 35061528; PMCID: PMC8782458
- Sheiko SS, Vashahi F, Morgan BJ, Maw M, Dashtimodhadam E, Fahimipour F, Jacobs M, Keith AN, Vatankhah-Varnosfaderani M, Dobrynin AV. Mechanically diverse gels with equal solvent content. ACS Cent Sci 2022; 8(6): 845-853. PMID: 35756385.
- Geisinger ML. Optimizing the Oral Health of Patients Through Risk Assessment and Prevention. Compend Contin Educ Dent 2022; 43(5): 298-299. PMID: 35589149
- Geisinger ML, Howard JH, Abou Arraj RV, Kaur M, Basma H, Geurs NC. A prospective, randomized controlled pilot study comparing vestibular incision with sulcular tunnel for root coverage. Int J Periodont Rest Dent 2022; 42(4):e91-e102. PMID: 35830313
- Eldridge LA, Estrich CG, Gurenlian JR, Battrell A, Lynch A, Vujicic M, Morrissey R, Dershewitz S, Geisinger ML, Araujo MWB. US Dental Healthcare workers’ mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic. J Am Dent Assoc 2022; 153(8):740-749. PMID: 35902154 *Selected as Cover Feature
- Geisinger ML, Dershewitz SL. Worried sick: Anxiety, depression, and the impact on dental healthcare workers. J Am Dent Assoc 2022; 153(8): 734-736. PMID: 35902153
- Eldridge LA, Estrich C, Gurenlian JR, Battrell A, Lynch A, Vujicic M, Morrissey R, Dershewitz S, Geisinger ML, Araujo MW. United States Dental Health Care Workers’ Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic. J Dent Hyg 2022; 96(4): 9-11. PMID: 35906080 **Selected as the Clinical Research Paper of the Year in Dentistry 2022 by Dr. Bicuspid (Cuspie Award)
- Geisinger ML, Dershewitz SL. Worried sick: Anxiety, depression, and the impact on dental healthcare workers. J Dent Hyg 2022; 96(4): 6-8. PMID: 35906081
- Geisinger ML, Martin KL, Alison JP, Martin KD, Robinson M, Geurs NC. Waistline to gumline: A retrospective analysis of Body Mass Index (BMI) in treated periodontitis patients undergoing periodontal maintenance. Gen Dent 2022; Nov/Dec 70(6): 52-58. PMID: 36288076
- Avila-Ortiz G, Ambruster J, Barootchi S, Chambrone L, Chen CY, Dixon D, Geisinger ML, Giannobile WV, Goss K, Gunsolley JC, Heard RH, Kim D, Mandelaris GA, Monje A, Nevins ML, Palaiologou-Gallis A, Rosen PS, Scheyer ET, Suarez-Lopez del Amo F, Tavelli L, Velasquez D, Wang HL, Mealey BL. American Academy of Periodontology Best Evidence Consensus Statement on the Use of Biologics in Clinical Practice. J Periodontol 2022; 93: 1763-1770.PMID: 36279407
- Geisinger ML, Kaur M, Abou Arraj RV, Basma HS, Geurs NC. Clinical Applications of Mucogingival Therapies Utilizing Adjunctive Autologous Blood Products. Clin Adv Periodont 2022; 12: 233-240. PMID: 36134542
- Takesh T, Goshtasbi A, Lin K, Yang SM, Wink C, Geisinger ML, Wilder-Smith P. Better Living Through Chemistry? A Randomized, Double-blind Controlled Study Evaluating the Efficacy of Plaque Control and Gingival Health Impacts of a Novel Stannous Fluoride-Containing Gel. J Periodontol 2023; 94(4): 509-518. PMID: 35980316
- De Souza GM, Tiwari T, Fox C, Miguez PA, Letra A, Geisinger ML, Shaddox L, Ioannidou E. Early Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Dental Researchers’ Perceptions of Productivity, Work-Life Balance and Mental Health Highlights Gender Differences. J Dent Educ 2023; 87(2): 170-181. PMID: 36131372 PMC9538829
- Shah B, Shah M, Meghil M, Saleh MAH, Geisinger ML, Wang The effect of non-surgical periodontal therapy on plasma C-reactive protein levels in periodontitis patients. A single arm prospective clinical trial. J Periodontol 2023; 94(3): 336-343. PMID: 36069212
- Geurs NC, Jeffcoat M, Nipul T, Geisinger ML, Parry S, Biggio J, Doyle MJ, Grender JM, Reddy MS. A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial of Prenatal Oral Hygiene Education in Pregnancy-Associated Gingivitis. J Midwifery Women’s Health 2023; 68(4): 507-516. PMID: 37026567
- Parry S, Jeffcoat M, Reddy MS, Doyle MJ, Grender JM, Gerlach RW, Tanna N, Geisinger ML, Geurs NC, Biggio J. Evaluation of an Advanced Oral Hygiene Regimen on Maternity Outcomes in a Randomized Multicenter (OHMOM) Clinical Trial. Am J Obstet Gynecol MFM 2023; Aug 5(8): 100995. PMID: 37127210
- Geisinger ML, Geurs NC, Novy B, Otomo-Corgel J, Cobb CM, Jacobsen PL, Takesh T, Wilder-Smith P. A Randomized Double-Blind Clinical Trial Evaluating Comparative Plaque and Gingival Health Associated with Commercially Available Stannous Fluoride-Containing Dentifrices as Compared to a Sodium Fluoride Control Dentifrice. J Periodontol 2023; 94(9): 1112-1121. PMID: 37016272
- Basma HS, Saleh M, Abou-Arraj RV, Imbrogno M, Ravida A, Wang HL, Li P, Geurs NC. Patient Reported Outcomes of Palatal Donor Site Healing Using Four Different Wound Dressings Modalities Following Free Epithelialized Mucosal Grafts: A controlled clinical trial. J Periodontol 2023; 94(1): 88-97. PMID: 35754198
- Yumoto K, Rashid J, Ibrahim KG, Zielske SP, Wang Y, Omi M, Decker AM, Jung Y, Sun D, Remmer HA, Mishina Y, Buttitta LA, Taichman RS, Cackowski FC. HER2 as a potential therapeutic target on quiescent prostate cancer cells. Transl Oncol. 2023; 31: 101642.. PMID: 36805918; PMCID: PMC9971552.
- Basma HS, Saleh MHA, Geurs NC, Li P, Ravida A, Wang HL, Abou-Arraj RV. The effect of bone particle size on the histomorphometric and clinical outcomes following lateral ridge augmentation procedures: A randomized double-blinded controlled trial. J Periodontol. 2023; 94(2): 163-173. PMID: 35959712
- Geisinger ML. NexGen Regen? Challenges and opportunities for growth factors and signaling agents in periodontal regeneration at intrabony defects. Frontiers in Dental Medicine. 2023; 4:1239149. doi:10.3389/fdmed.2023.1239149.
- Kim JK, Chang I, Jung Y, Kaplan Z, Hill EE, Taichman RS, Krebsbach PH. Mycoplasma hyorhinisinfection promotes TNF-α signaling and SMAC mimetic-mediated apoptosis in human prostate cancer. 2023; 9(10):e20655. PMID: 37867861; PMCID: PMC105852371
- Xiao C, Puga F, Pickering C, Wang HS, Geisinger ML, Cain C, Li P, Jablonski R. Care-resistant Behavior Trajectories during Mouth Care among Nursing Home Residents with Dementia. The Gerontologist. 2024; 64(9): gnae084 https://doi.org/10.1093/geront/gnae084
- Kaur M, Geisinger ML, Sosa P. Periodontal Disease and Chronic Kidney Disease: Examining the Potential Correlation. Compend Contin Educ Dent. 2024; 45(8): 396-402.
- Saleh MA, Sabri H, Di Pietro N, Comuzzi L, Geurs NC, Bou Semaan L, Piatteli A. Clinical Indications and Outcomes of Sinus Floor Augmentation with Bone Substitutes: An Evidence-Based Review. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res. 2025; 27(1): e134000 PMID: 39415739
- Miron RJ, Pikos MA, Estrin NE, Kobayashi-Fujioka M, Espinoza AR, Basma HS, Zhang Y. Extended platelet-rich fibrin. Periodontol 2000. 2024. 94(1):114-130. doi: 10.1111/prd.12537. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37986559.
- Estrin NE, Basma H, Espinoza AR, Pinto MAC, Pikos MA, Miron RJ. Extended Platelet-Rich Fibrin as a Membrane for Lateral Window Sinus Lifts: A Case Series. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res. 2025 Feb;27(1):e13427. doi: 10.1111/cid.13427. Epub 2024 Dec 13. PMID: 39671152.
- Nasseh P, Englert B, Lawson N, Li P, Liu PR, Geurs NC, Abou-Arraj RV. The Effects of Implantoplasty On Implant Design Characteristics and Mechanical Strength. Academy of Osseointegration Annual Meeting 2022 (Finalist, Oral Scientific Research)
- Geisinger ML, Howard JH, Abou Arraj RV, Kaur M, Basma H, Geurs NC. A prospective, randomized controlled trial to compare vestibular incisions subperiosteal access and sulcular tunnel access root coverage procedures to treat gingival recession. EuroPerio 10. Copenhagen 2022.
- Eldridge L, Estrich CG, Gurenlian JR, Battrell A, Lynch A, Vujicic M, Morrissey R, Dershewitz S, Geisinger ML, Araujo MWB. US Dental Healthcare Workers’ Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic. International Symposium on Dental Hygiene 2022 (Dublin, Ireland)
- Basma HS, Robinson A, Sahori A, Torres S, Chang B. Patient reported outcomes following free gingival grafts from the palatal donor site. Hinman Symposium 2022 (Atlanta, GA)
- Liu K, Abou Arraj RV, Geisinger ML, Geurs NC, Javed A, Kaur M, Basma HS. A randomized controlled trial to compare the histomorphometric and clinical outcomes of soft tissue augmentation at the time of lateral ridge augmentation procedures. Academy Osseointegration Meeting 2022 [Best Poster Presentation]
- Xiao CN, Puga F, Cain C, Geisinger ML, Jablonski RA, Pickering CE. Care-resistant Behavior Trajectories of Persons with Dementia in Nursing Homes and Distal Outcomes in Oral Health. Gerontology Society of America Annual Meeting 2023
- Geisinger ML. SUNSTAR Innovations Abstracts. Multimedia tools for caregiver education and implementation of optimal mouth care in persons living with moderate to severe dementia. J Periodontol. 2023; 94(7): 919-924.
- Xiao CN, Puga F, Wang HL, Geisinger ML, Cain C, Li P, Jablonski RA. Care-resistant behavior trajectories in the context of mouth care of persons living with dementia in nursing homes. Society of Behavior Medicine (SBM) Annual Meeting, 2024.
- Rathburn K, Xiao CN, Geisinger ML. Exploring the Relationship Between Oral Health, Periodontal-Associated Bacteria, and Dementia in Non-Ventilated Hospitalized Older Adults. Southern Nursing Research Society Conference, 2024 (Charlotte, NC).
- Xiao C, Puga F, Pickering C, Cain C, Geisinger ML, Jablonski. Care-resistant behavior trajectories of persons with dementia in nursing homes and distal outcomes in oral health. Innovations in Aging 2023; 7(Suppl 1): 24.
- Anastasaki A, Chang B, Wu WC., Bradley J, Basma HS. Achieving Ideal emergence Profile Using Milled Implant-retained PMMA provisional Restorations on Four Anterior Adjacent Implants in the Esthetic Zone American Academy of Fixed Prosthodontics 2023 (Chicago, IL)
- Xiao C, Puga F, Pickering CE, Geisinger ML, Cain C, Jablonski R. Trajectories of Care-resistant Behavior During Mouth Care of Persons Living with Dementia in Nursing Homes. Southern Nursing Research Society (SNRS). Annual Meeting 2023.
- Rathburn K, Xiao CN, Geisinger ML. Exploring the Relationship Between Oral Health, Periodontal-Associated Bacteria, and Dementia in Non-Ventilated Hospitalized Older Adults. Southern Nursing Research Society Conference, 2024 (Charlotte, NC).
- Geisinger ML, Robinson MA, Jablonski RA. Multimedia Tools for Caregiver Education for Mouth Care in Persons Living with Dementia. IADR/AADOCR/CADR Annual Meeting, 2024. (New Orleans, LA).
- Peña J, Shah J, Geisinger ML. Gingival Phenotype Modification at Sites with Gingival Recession and Non-Carious Cervical Lesions (NCCLs). Academy of General Dentistry Annual Meeting, 2024. (Minneapolis, MN)
Our Graduate Periodontal Clinic is a state-of-the-art facility with five surgical suites and five treatment rooms. We also have a dedicated front desk staff, four skilled dental assistants, and two experienced dental hygienists in a dedicated wellness facility. Digital radiography facilities are in each operatory along with a NOMAD portable radiograph machine for use in nonsurgical and wellness rooms. Both panoramic and CBCT machines are located within the clinical enterprise.
Our Periodontal Research Clinic, located adjacent to the Graduate Periodontal Clinic, has two treatment rooms and one surgical suite as well as a full complement of clinical research materials and storage facilities.
UAB Dentistry is physically connected to both the University Hospital and the Veteran’s Administration Hospital. This allows easy passage to these two facilities where important clinical activities of the advanced education program in Periodontology may be undertaken. Other education, recreational, and research facilities at UAB, a major urban university and medical center, are conveniently located and may be utilized by students in the advanced education programs. The more pertinent of these include the Lister Hill Health Science Library, the Animal Service Facilities, the Bevill Biomedical Sciences, and the Shelby Biomedical Research Buildings.