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Department of Pediatric Dentistry

1919 7th Avenue South, SDB 304
Birmingham, AL 35294-0007

Clinic Telephone: (205) 934-4546
Clinic Fax: (205) 975-5737

Administrative Office Telephone: (205) 934-1315
Administrative Office Fax: (205) 934-7013

Email: pediatricdentistry@uab.edu

Aymee Anderson

Adjunct Instructor

Leanne Bowman


Adjunct Instructor agdlou@uab.edu
SDB 304
(205) 934-7016
Faculty Profile

Kimberly Carr


Adjunct Associate Professor krcarr97@uab.edu
SDB 304A
(205) 934-1315
Faculty Profile

Page Caufield

Adjunct Professor

Richard Chambliss


Adjunct Instructor bake@uab.edu
SDB 302
(205) 975-4906
Faculty Profile

Noel Childers

M.S., D.D.S., Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus nkc@uab.edu
SDB 312
(205) 934-3230
Research Interests: Microbiology and Epidemiology of dental caries in high caries-risk population; Mucosal immunology as it relates to the immunobiology of dental caries—design and characterization of optimal oral immunization strategy with liposomal antigens of Streptococcus mutans that will induce immune responses and protection against dental caries in humans. Faculty Profile

Bruce Cunningham

Adjunct Instructor

John Flowers

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Kohtaro Fujihashi

D.D.S., Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus kohtarof@uab.edu
SDB 801A1
(205) 934-1951
Research Interests: Mucosal immunology and cytokines in dental diseases; Induction and regulation of IgA responses and toleranceFaculty Profile

Jill Barton Gamotis

Adjunct Assistant Professor jgamotis@uab.edu
SDB 304A
(205) 934-7016
Faculty Profile

Tabitha Jarman-Gatrey


Adjunct Assistant Professor tabjar@uab.edu
SDB 302
(205) 934-1315
Faculty Profile

Jannet Katz

D.D.S., Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus meow@uab.edu
BBRB 713
Research Interests: Periodontal disease; Porphyromas gingivalis; Hemagglutinins and proteases; Immune response; Cytokines; Toll-like receptorsFaculty Profile

Michael Keller


Adjunct Instructor mkeller@uab.edu
SDB 304A
(205) 934-7016
Faculty Profile

Hiroshi Kiyono

Adjunct Professor kiyono@uab.edu
SDB 801A-2
Faculty Profile

William Lovell III


Adjunct Instructor wal3@uab.edu
SDB 304A
Faculty Profile

Eric Lowenhaupt


Adjunct Assistant Professor

David Merritt

M.S., D.M.D.

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Marcus Moss


Adjunct Instructor marmoss@uab.edu
SDB 304
Faculty Profile

Patrick Nassetta


Adjunct Assistant Professor pcnasset@uab.edu
SDB 317
Faculty Profile

John Nathan

D.D.S., MDentSc

Adjunct Professor jenpedo@uab.edu
SDB 302
Faculty Profile

Donald Norby


Adjunct Instructor dtnorby@uab.edu
SDB 304A
Faculty Profile

Carlos Nurko

M.S., D.D.S.

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Jerry Lee Parker

Adjunct Assistant Professor

John Ruby

M.S., D.M.D., Ph.D.

Adjunct Professor johnruby@uab.edu
SDB 314
Faculty Profile

Gerald Samson

M.S., D.D.S.

Adjunct Associate Professor gssamson@uab.edu
SDB 26
Faculty Profile

Richard Simpson

Adjunct Assistant Professor rsdmd@uab.edu
SDB 89
Faculty Profile

Harry Pat Stanley

M.A., D.M.D.

Adjunct Associate Professor hpstan@uab.edu
SDB 304A
Faculty Profile

Stephanie Hirsh Steinmetz

Adjunct Instructor

John Thornton

M.S., D.M.D.

Professor Emeritus jbthornt@uab.edu
SDB 326
Faculty Profile

John Wisniewski

M.S., D.M.D.

Adjunct ProfessorSDB 538
(205) 934-7016

Jennifer Wright

Adjunct InstructorSDB 304B
(205) 934-1257

Sue Nimer Young


Adjunct Associate Professor snimer@uab.edu
SDB 304
(205) 934-7016
Faculty Profile

Contact Us

Department of Pediatric Dentistry

1919 7th Avenue South, SDB 304
Birmingham, AL 35294-0007

Clinic Telephone: (205) 934-4546
Clinic Fax: (205) 975-5737

Administrative Office Telephone: (205) 934-1315
Administrative Office Fax: (205) 934-7013

Email: pediatricdentistry@uab.edu