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Contact Us

Ashraf F. Fouad, D.D.S., M.S.

Professor and Chair, Department of Endodontics 
Director, Advanced Endodontics Program
SDB 609
(205) 934-5373

Shandra Coble, D.M.D. 

Assistant Professor
Predoctoral Director, Endodontics
Clinical Director, Endodontics
SDB 607
(205) 996-4218

Wynde Winter, M.S. 

Administrative Associate
Department of Endodontics
SDB 610
(205) 934-5373

About Our Department

We believe healthy smiles can change lives.

Endodontics focuses on the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of diseases of the dental pulp and periapical tissues. Our team of professionally trained endodontists, residents and students work in a technologically advanced clinic in which contemporary diagnostic concepts and treatment modalities to save teeth are offered to our patients. Our clinical services include nonsurgical root canal therapy, nonsurgical retreatment, surgical root canal therapy, vital pulp therapy and regenerative endodontic procedures.

Our department is proud to support the mission of the School of Dentistry at UAB, where we work to optimize oral health by preserving natural teeth. Our commitment to this goal drives us to provide the best dental care possible through the dedicated pre-doctoral training of our dental students and the advanced postgraduate education of our residents.

Research and Scholarly Activity


Through laboratory and clinical research our faculty and postdoctoral students are expanding knowledge and exploring new treatments. Current projects include:

  • The use of contemporary molecular microbiological approaches to characterize endodontic microflora and its association with outcomes of regenerative endodontic therapy.
  • Molecular and clinical characterization of symptomatic and asymptomatic irreversible pulpitis.
  • Identifying the association of chronic systemic diseases and the use of long-term systemic medications with the prevalence, pathogenesis and healing of apical periodontitis.
  • The effectiveness of antibiotics and the prevalence of antibiotic resistance genes in spreading endodontic infections.
  • The disruption of Endodontists’ practice by the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Aerosol generation patterns and reduction during endodontic access preparations.
  • Evaluation of dynamic guidance in endodontic microsurgery.
  • The effectiveness of topical antimicrobial agents for endodontic infections.
  • The role of chewing forces in the dissemination of endodontic microflora.

Department Publications


The Dentsply Tulsa Endodontic Clinic, located on the fifth floor at the UAB School of Dentistry, is a specially designed state-of-the-art facility with eight operating microscope-equipped resident rooms and six student treatment suites each containing computerized digital radiography units. The clinic also has a dedicated Cone Beam CT machine which allows clinicians to view 3-D images of potentially challenging diagnostic and treatment conditions. The enhanced design provides semi-private patient care and enhanced research and teaching capabilities. The endodontic clinic is one of the busiest facilities in the school. Dental students and residents provide surgical and nonsurgical endodontic care to about 2,500 patients annually.


Click on the embedded newsletter below to read the Fall 2024 newsletter, or access the newsletter directly.

Contact Us

Ashraf F. Fouad, D.D.S., M.S.

Professor and Chair, Department of Endodontics 
Director, Advanced Endodontics Program
SDB 609
(205) 934-5373

Shandra Coble, D.M.D. 

Assistant Professor
Predoctoral Director, Endodontics
Clinical Director, Endodontics
SDB 607
(205) 996-4218

Wynde Winter, M.S. 

Administrative Associate
Department of Endodontics
SDB 610
(205) 934-5373