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The premiere translational science meeting of the year will take place in Washington, DC, March 5-8, 2019, providing valuable learning and networking opportunities for researchers of all skill sets and experience levels across the spectrum of clinical and translational science. Mark your calendar to join more than 1,100 colleagues, including researchers, trainees, and federal program officers, and soak up the latest breaking research, funding, and collaboration news at TS19.

We offer a Top Ten list of compelling reasons to register today.

  1. Hear from experts. The healthcare field is constantly evolving, and no one understands that better than these key thought leaders. With them, you’ll explore new career development skills; discover new approaches, technologies, and resources; and learn how translational research impacts the public at large. 
  2. Foster your career development. Seize the chance to solicit some free career advice. From the Speed Mentoring Sessions to the Scholars Networking Meeting with Federal Training Partners, you’ll have plenty of time to chat with more experienced professionals in the industry.
  3. Explore 500+ abstracts. With more than 500 abstracts on display, TS19 provides a visual route into some of the most innovative research. During the Abstract Receptions, you can engage with peers from around the country—and dream big!
  4. Share your views. Thanks to its world-class research facilities and close proximity to federal officials, Washington, DC, is the place for investigators like you. Join your colleagues at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and Capitol Hill to influence policy and funding decisions—together, we can catalyze new opportunities.
  5. Make new friends. Download the Translational Science meeting app to learn more about other attendees and request to be their friends.
  6. Invest in yourself. TS19 is a day longer than previous TS meetings. That means more workshops, mini-symposiums, abstract presentations, and networking opportunities (aka value) for your money.
  7. Attend our special Lebanese Taverna dinner. If you are a trainee from a CCTS Partner Network institution, we invite you to join us for this traditional event, which has become a highlight of the TS meeting for many. Connect with Network colleagues, put faces to names, and discover just how fun collaboration can be. Contact Jeanne Merchant to rsvp or learn more.
  8. Represent our region. Join CCTS at TS19 and help showcase our shared achievements. Check out highlights from TS18 and TS17.
  9. CCTS Director Robert P. Kimberly is President of the Association for Clinical and Translational Science, the host for TS19 (along with co-supporters Association of American Medical Colleges, American Federation for Medical Research, Clinical Research Forum, and the PhRMA Foundation). 
  10. The Smithsonian museums, galleries, and zoo. The world-class Smithsonian complex comprises 19 unique destinations—all of which are free.  

Register for TS19 by January 18 to save big with the early bird rate for the year’s best clinical and translational science event. CCTS KL2 and TL1 trainees receive travel support to enable them to attend and present their research.