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All trainees, fellows, participants, and scholars receiving support through any individual or institutional NIH training, career development award, research education grant, and dissertation research grant must receive personal instruction in responsible conduct of research. To meet the NIH requirement in RCR, trainees will need to take advantage of multiple training methods, not just one course.

If the RCR section of your application is deemed unacceptable,
it will prevent your grant from being awarded, regardless of its impact score.

Download our sample, which includes the five instructional components mandated by the NIH (NOT-OD-10-019).

In-Person RCR Training

Online RCR Training

  • Ethics for Authors — a website for research writers who want to follow best practices while incorporating prior source work and writing for publication. Includes E-tools, presentations, information on citing and referencing as well as research writing.

  • Online Training Tool for Online Research and Image Processing

  • The Office of Research Integrity in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, has an interactive training opportunity available online called "The Lab: Avoiding Research Misconduct." 

  • RCR materialdeveloped by the Center for Ethics and Values in the Sciences in conjunction with the CCTS and Dr. Jeff Engler is appropriate for faculty-led classroom presentation, laboratory meetings and discussion. Each training module contains a presentation overview of the topic, a written case study, a video case study, a decision-tree video, useful links for further information on the topic, and a bibliography for recommended additional resources.

    RCR Efficacy - The "Thinking About RCR Efficacy" white paper explores issues related to RCR training and efficacy.

    Animal Research - Researchers  working with non-human animals must be properly trained and certified in RCR. Non-human animal research falls under different federal and state laws than human subjects research. Refer to the Animal Resources Program Guidelines and Procedures. Additionally, anyone engaging in non-human animals research should consult with UAB's Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee. UAB follows guidelines laid out by the Institute for Laboratory Animal Research (ILAR), Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, Eighth Edition.

Additional RCR Resources - General RCR Training

Funded by a grant from the Office of Research Integrity (ORI) for the Department of Health and Human Services, this resource collates a myriad of html, pdf, and video files focusing on issues of mentoring, student conduct, and scientific integrity. The material is provided in complement to the didactic curriculum made available to our trainees. Also see NOT-OD-16-122 for additional NIH resources.

Training faculty and sponsors/mentors should refresh their RCR training at least once every four years. This may occur as training program faculty serve as course directors, speakers, lecturers and/or discussion leaders for RCR curriculum.