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Associate Professor abaer@uab.edu
Heritage Hall 360G
(205) 934-8693

Office Hours: Zoom by appointment


  • B.A., University of Florida, History
  • M.A., University of Chicago, Social Sciences
  • Ph.D., Northwestern University, History

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Andy Baer studies United States history and African American history. His research focuses on the intersection of race, policing, and social movements. His first book, Beyond the Usual Beating: The Jon Burge Police Torture Scandal and Social Movements for Police Accountability in Chicago, was published by the University of Chicago Press in 2020. He is currently working on a second book manuscript, titled, The 1979 Boston Murders: Race, Gender, and the Movement to End Violence Against Women. Exploring the killings of 13 women and girls, 12 Black and one white, in 1979 Boston, the book explores the work of feminist activists, including the Combahee River Collective, to make the city—and the nation—safe for Black women and girls to live free from intersecting oppressions of race, gender, class, sexuality, and more. Andy has a dual appointment in UAB's African American Studies program and also spent two years as a graduate fellow at the American Bar Foundation, an independent non-profit organization advancing scholarship on law and society.