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The Honors Program in Communication Studies offers an enhanced and challenging academic experience for exceptional and highly motivated undergraduate students, especially those considering graduate school. Students who complete the program will graduate with "Honors in Communication Studies.”


To be eligible, a student must be a declared Communication Studies major and must have a cumulative, institutional, and Communication Studies GPA of 3.5 or above.


  • Fulfill the normal requirements for the Communication Management major or Mass Media concentrations.
  • Submit a completed Communication Studies Honors Program application form to the Director of Departmental Honors for approval. Students must secure the permission of the Director and their mentor in order to enter the Communication Studies Honors Program.
  • Maintain and graduate with a cumulative, institutional, and Communication Studies GPA of 3.5 or above.
  • Successfully complete and defend (no later than four weeks before graduation) an Undergraduate Honors Thesis conducted under the supervision of a faculty member in the department.

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For more information and/or admission to the Communication Studies Honors Program, please contact:

Timothy R. Levine, Ph.D.
Distinguished Professor
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Heritage Hall 302A
(205) 934-3877