Explore UAB

students studyingAll applications for graduate study at UAB must be initiated with the UAB Graduate School, not the department.

Application Deadlines

Fall admission: August 1
Spring admission: December 1
Summer admission: May 1

Note: Your application is considered complete once you have completed your portion of the application and paid your application fee. You may have outstanding checklist items out of your control (transcripts and letter of recommendation) but those need to be received in a timely fashion.

Application Information

What Are We Looking For?

The department selects graduate students from among applicants who have:

  • Sufficient breadth of undergraduate training within and outside the field of communication and an overall average of 3.0 GPA or better (on a 4.0 scale). Students with major areas other than communication are encouraged to apply but may be asked to take specific undergraduate or graduate courses to provide needed background. Applicants with an overall GPA lower than 3.0 may be accepted on probationary status with the approval of the Department’s Graduate Director and the UAB Graduate School.
  • The Department welcomes applications from qualified foreign nations. International students wishing to enroll as graduate students should consult with the UAB Graduate School for a checklist of material and applications needed.

Non-Degree Students

Applicants may enroll as non-degree students with incomplete admissions materials. After completing no more than 12 hours of graduate study, you may be evaluated for admission to the degree program. No one may take more than 12 hours of graduate classes as a non-degree student. For more information contact the graduate program director.

Non-degree students must have the block on their files removed before they can register for any classes. To do this you must contact the instructor of the class you want to take with the following information:

  • your Blazer ID
  • your student number
  • a return e-mail address
  • the class you wish to register for

Your instructor will contact you as soon as the block has been removed.

Contact Information
Academic Interests


Program IDs



Term IDs

Hidden Fields

Research Project

Research Project

Graduate Resources

Graduate Resources

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